Anyone feel overwhelmed by the changes?

I have lost 90 pounds since my RNY 10/15/02 with about 90 pounds left to go. I just realized yesterday that I don't qualify for WLS surgery anymore! I am getting rid of clothes by the bagful weekly. I can now fit into the larger department store clothes instead of only Lane Bryant and Catherines. So many more clothing choices, but it gets overwhelming. The car feels different, moving, showering, having sex is all different. I am getting more fulfilling projects at work and people treat me nicer already. I am at a weight I haven't seen in 12 years. I am so excited by the weight loss, but whenever I share with friends how many changes I'm going through, they give me a fake "Awww, poor thing". No one seems to understand. I know I can count on my AMOS family! Anyone else excited and have their head spinning over all of the changes? Thanks for listening.    — Yolanda J. (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 31, 2003
It is amazing to me too! When I read your post, I felt like I'd written it. :) Somedays, I don't even feel on this planet, because my mind is caught up in all the newness of everything. It's like not really recognizing yourself anymore...kinda feels dis-associating sometimes. I've talked to my husband about all of this, but he can't really understand. I have a few friends that have had the surgery too and we chat some about the changes...but I feel alone some too. I'm starting to think about plastic surgery. Then, I hit myself in the head and say "slow down". I don't want to do too much too quickly, but it's hard not to want to just keep changing. Melisa RNY 08/15/02 -84lbs
   — mbradley35

March 31, 2003
Isn't it wonderful? I know what you mean about sharing it with AMOS friends and not others...our family and friends who have not had WLS, while being happy for us, can quickly grow tired of our wanting to talk about this amazing change every second of the day! Its especially tough, and I do not suggest, discussing how much you have lost or are losing to friends that struggle to lose weight-a quick way to lose friends! Do you have a support group? That is a great group of fellow WLS friends that you can brag to. Make lunch dates with some of them (more opportunities to brag!) and of course, the chat rooms on these web sites.
   — Cindy R.

March 31, 2003
Well, I am sympathetic to your feelings because it's all about a major change in your life and you're adjusting to it. I can only hope I'll be in the same boat soon. I'm waiting for approval and a date(you eternity!!!) Even though it's scary not having the old and familiar anymore, try to revel(sp?) in the joys of fitting in chairs, not shopping plus size ,etc.. all that great new stuff...kind of makes life a little more exciting again. You're discovering a new, improved you...not totally different but even better!!! Congratulations on your weight loss and best of luck in your continuing success. :) :) :)
   — kathleen-Joan piper

March 31, 2003
Dr Friday wh approves all of our surgeons patients say there are as many or more emotional as physical changes. Isnt it wonderful loosing the weight? It takes time to adjust, just be patient, after awhile you will see the new thinner you. Took me over a year and I lost it all in 6 months.
   — bob-haller

March 31, 2003
Yes, make lunch dates with your WLS friends and brag (hi Cindy! I met Cindy Rubin, below, just that way a few weeks ago!). Sometimes it's awkward to go on and on about the changes with family and friends. I try to avoid it, but they all call me on my *hooey* now when I say, "Ummm, yeah, this is an 8, but I'm sure it was mismarked" (fake foot shuffling). Enjoy! :PP
   — Suzy C.

March 31, 2003
I am 9 months post op and down from 269 to 165. Yes, the changes are overwhelming! I kept track of all the bags of clothes I gave away for tax purposes!! Everything in how you function in the day is different, but a great different! Most of my friends were already thin so they could never understand the difference between how hard it was before. But, I tell them anyway! I told my mother the other day it is funny being able to feel bones that I didn't know were there before! Enjoy the changes and talk as much as you want about them. You deserve it with your success! It can be overwhelming, but fun to get used to your new body. You can always share with us!!
   — emilyfink

March 31, 2003
Yolanda, I could have written your posting! I had my RNY on 9/23/02 and have lost 92 lbs. I have about 86 lbs. left to go. Most of my friends don't understand how exciting it is to cross your legs, buy an XL shirt in the regular department, being able to go up a flight a stairs without being out of breath, fitting into a booth, etc. One of my favorite things to do is to go shopping and see how many "regular" clothes I can fit into. I am also overwhelmed by the new clothing choices! Keep up the great work and enjoy!!!!!! Gina
   — Gina P.

March 31, 2003
Yolanda, Last night I went to the movies, and I sat in the theater seat with room to spare. I was alone and had no one to "brag" to about how great it felt. Just 6 months ago, I had to stuff myself into the seats! In fact it was a seat like that that made me think about weight loss surgery. I went to a concert and couldn't get into the seat, so I took the plastic arm rests off, which gave me an extra 2 inches on both sides, as I slid back into the seat, I felt wetness on my thigh. I got up and saw that the exposed metal had sliced through my pants and my thigh. I was devistated! I cried like a baby! It was the kick in the pants that I needed to go for the surgery. Now life is good. It amazes me every day how I blend into society. I was always so embarrassed going out, now I feel like one of them. Thanks for your posting. It is great to be able to share things with others who will never get tired of hearing how much your life is changing for the better! :o)
   — wiggie34

April 1, 2003
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am having surgery next Tuesday and can't wait. I think that people are probably jealous and they may even feel that you are now a threat. WAY TO GO!
   — C. Zibrowski

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