What can I do to get back on track? I am sure that this question has been posted a bunch of times, but I just need some support here. I have had a rough last couple of months. (my mom passed away, I hate my job, I have depression.) Anyway, I have been dealing with all of this by eating loads of JUNK. I eat chocolate, fast food, just bad stuff in general. I have been trying with all my might to stay away from the stuff, but then I find myself in front of the vending machine buying chips or cookies. I am in counseling already, I just wanted to see if anyone can relate and what can I do to get back on track? I have lost 120 pounds and I do NOT want it back!!! Thanks :o)    — fropunka (posted on March 24, 2003)

March 24, 2003
Rosie, I am so sorry for all you have gone through. Seems like you've had a hell of a few months. But the good thing is that you realize you are eating some bad things and want to get back on track. And I'm not going to tell you to just eat healthy and not snack, b/c I know self-control is hard, I am just like you! But I think an important thing to do, in my opinion, is to not cut out snacks completely, but to substitute. I feel that if you cut them all out, then you will eventually binge one day and not stop. But that is me and not everyone has self-control issues. Anyhow- have you tried baked lay's? Yes, not much nutritional value, but if you're gonna have chips, atleast get lower fat kind. Also, instead of icecream, have frozen yogurt. Hagan Daas makes a wonderful froz. yogurt and it actually has 10 grams of protein! Also, when I really want chocolate, lately I will have a BALANCE GOLD protein bar. They taste as close to a candy bar as you can get. (almost like sweet escapes if you ever had them before) They do have 11 grams of sugar, which is why it tastes good- but it has 15 grams of protein. I totally understand getting off track and snacking, we are human. Also, I allow myself fast food sometimes. It's hard when you're on the go, and some places have great selections. Everywhere you go they have grilled chicken sandwiches- just don't eat all of the bread and it's really not a bad choice. Or many places have salads with chicken or some type of meat in them- try that, but get lowfat dressing (or carry LF in your purse just in case) And if you are dying for a burger- get one, but don't eat all of the bread and skip the mayo. I will have a McD cheeseburger occassionally with ketchup and only 1/2 the bun. Just try to make some healthier choices all the while still treating yourself. Hope I helped a little. Goodluck to you- wish you the best!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 24, 2003
I also was seeing my old behaviors creeping back into my life. I tried to cut out the junk but had a hard time. Just last week I decided to try to "reset" my pouch by going to a liquid diet for a few days. I did soups, proteing drinks and lots of water. It seems to have helped. I'm not craving bad stuff so much. It didn't seem to shrink my pouch too much, maybe a little. But I feel like I kind of detoxed myself and had a clean slate to start again. I'm an "all or nothing" kind of person so as long as I was just trying to "cut down" I wasn't having any luck, but when I did total liquids I actually didn't feel so out of control. Just a tool that you might want to consider. Good Luck. Brenda Hackett-almost 2 years post op, minus 141 pounds!
   — Brenda H.

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