What would you have done differently?

I am almost 5 months post-op and down about 82 pounds. I still have another 100 or so to go so I hope my 'window' doesn't close anytime soon. Here's my question to post-ops. Looking back, whether you are at goal or not, what would you have done differently or what are you really happy that you did do? Anything like maybe selected a different doctor, done more research, eaten fewer carbs, seen a counselor. Thanks for your contributions.    — Yolanda J. (posted on March 13, 2003)

March 12, 2003
exercised more, started exercising earlier after the surgery.
   — Vicki L.

March 12, 2003
Same as Vicki, exercise earlier, more intensely, more often. Forget about the scales and concentrate on measurements. Get a heart rate monitor and work on your target rate; that's way more significant than pounds and ounces. Get used to drinking plenty of water, making it a habit. Quit stressing about the which vitamin or which protein drink is best: do your research, make a choice, get on with your life.
   — Chuck O.

March 12, 2003
I had my open RNY on 10-23-02 and I'm down 70ish pounds but I still have about 60 more to go to get to goal. I wish I had started working out (at least started walking) sooner. I just joined the gym(last week) and its tough going. I'm still and sore. I would have made sure I got all my water and protein in, every day not just most of the time. All I can do now is keep working to get it right. Hopefully I'll get it right soon. :) Good luck to you! Sidney
   — Siddy I.

March 12, 2003
Oops, I should have said I'm STIFF and sore. Sorry about that. Sidney
   — Siddy I.

March 12, 2003
Ditto on the exercise, PLUS I would have reduced my carbs more early on to maximize that first 6 months. You lose so easily in the beginning, that I wasn't as strict as I could have been, then had to work much harder later to get to goal.
   — mom2jtx3

March 13, 2003
What do I wish I had done differently? Exercised more in the beginning. I am exercising on a regular basis now but not until I was at goal. I felt uncomfortable going to the gym with all of the twigs bopping around. Now, I fit in so I am more comfortable. What am I really happy that I did. I took Real Meals faithfully everyday since I was about four weeks post op. This gave me an additional 60 grams of protein per day plus all of my vitamins, and lean muscle stimulators. I reached goal in under six months, never had a plateau and never experienced any hair loss or sagging skin. All of the extra protein and vitamins prevented my body from ever going into starvation mode which is the main cause of plateaus early on. When you are not getting in enough protein or nutrition your body will try and protect the fat because it thinks that you are starving by lowering your basal metabolic rate (metabolism) If you get in all of your nutrition and extra protein it will actually increase your basal metabolic rate helping you to lose faster. It also helped me to maintain all of my undelying muscle mass which helped to retain a toned look instead of saggy after the weight loss.
   — Linda A.

March 13, 2003
I wish I forgot about the scales! That is my huge downfall- at 9 months post-op, I still weigh myself everyday- I think I'm a little obsessed! lol ALso, wish I didn't discover sugar again. It hasn't hindered my weight loss- 10 lbs. away from goal- but it could, so I am careful and I exercise 5 times a week.
   — Lezlie Y.

March 13, 2003
Exercise is what I wish that I would have started. What I am GLAD about is that I chose a surgeon who fit my needs. I am so thankful that he is not of the diet mentality but wants us to be normal. The guilt trip that I laid on myself for eating forbidden foods pre-op is what led me to be morbidly obese. No more deprivation!! I eat whatever I want and this freedom has been so wonderful. I am maintaining effortlessly and no longer give any food a label. ("good" or"bad"). I know many of you count fat grams, carbs, calories, protein grams and that might be right for you. However, this freedom to be normal is what is right for me and gets my focus off of food. No more dieting!! I have maintained at 123 (-140). I lost incredibly fast by not "dieting". I will never diet again or feel guilty for eating. We HAVE to eat. I never gave myself permission to eat before. So, then I would just go crazy and eat everything in sight and begin that awful cycle. Never again. I no longer focus on food or what I am "allowed" to eat. If I want it, I have it. (let me add that my "wants" are a lot different, however I do eat many things that would shock most of you and convince you that I am going to fall off the WLS success wagon!! LOL!!) This approach has been the key to my success!! Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

March 13, 2003
Comparing my progress to others. I was always fretting about what I could eat compared to others or what others did for exercise compared to what I did. Or how fast they were loosing vs how slow I was loosing. I began to focus on myself alone. I exercise more than *I* ever have, I eat better and less than *I* ever have...and I'm at goal...who cares that it took a little longer...I'M THERE. so *I* am doing well!! -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -152lbs (130ish and at goal)
   — KimBo36

March 13, 2003
I would have started excercising from the very start...I am at 143 but fluctuating between pnds, from my high of 280 and I am a year and 3 months out, although I would have changed my excercising habits I am still very happy with my results. Do yourself a favor and follow your drs orders, excercise, drink lots of water, do your vitamines, and eat ur protien. good luck
   — Deanna Wise

March 13, 2003
I would have gotten counseling BEFORE wls to help with the carb addiction....I worry about my window closing (on my hand reaching for a cookie on the other side LOL). I could have had a greater weight loss if I had gotten my carbs under control before hand.
   — cherokey55

March 13, 2003
What a great question, I wouldn't have thought to ask this and all the answers are VERY helpfull, I am constantly reminded why I come to this site daily, everyone here has something to offer. Thanks!
   — Sarah S.

March 13, 2003
Yolanda, I would have gotten more rigerous about protein from the very beginning. It took me months to find protein supplements (drinks and bars) that I liked. I would have started that process earlier on as a pre-op so that my protein supplementation would have been high from the very start. God's very best to you.
   — CaseyinLA

March 13, 2003
hi there :) good question!! i guess id have to say, that i would have remained more dedicated to the vigorous exercise that i was doing so good with during the summer months, with the arrival or winter, i slacked, although i still exercise its not like it was, as i near the 200lbs lost milestone, im very happy with the results but realize it could have been even better had i kept pushin! its never too late though and im so thankful that good weather is fast approaching! secondly, i guess i wouldnt have sweated it and stressed so much on " is this ganna work for me?" i was so used to failure before that i didnt know what to expect. its worked!!!!! im very happy!!! :)
   — carrie M.

March 14, 2003
I'm 22 months post op and still over 30 pounds from goal and 4 inches from my jean size goal. If I'd had it to do all over again I'd tried harder to avoid sugar and sugar substitutes. Sugar subs only make me crave the real thing. Plus, I wish I could avoid craving all the carbs. I did good with high protein for six months... then slowly have gone more towards carbs again. :( Sugar and carbs were and still are my downfall. But I honestly don't know how to stop ether one. Oh, one thing I sure wish I had done was to take all my measurements pre op. I wore a size 56 jeans but I don't know what size my thighs, arms or chest was. So I had nothing to help keep my spirits up when the scales did'nt move.
   — Danmark

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