Is this low blood sugar & if so, what should I do?
I have recently changed my workouts and am currently doing an hour ( or a little more) with weights and then doing at least 30 min on the eliptical trainer (aerobic training or fat burning program). My problem is that toward the end of that 30 min, my legs begin to feel shaky, and by the time that I am done, I feel dizzy, shaky, so much so that I often times wonder if I can walk down the stairs to the locker room. I eat something high protein (no carbs) prior to going to the gym and drink 1 liter of water while I am there. Any thoughts on what I can do with my eating to change how I am feeling? Thanks for the input. — Heather N. (posted on March 12, 2003)
March 12, 2003
Heather, I'm no fitness expert by any means...but I can offer you some
tips. I had some similar problems at the gym, and I decided to use what
knowledge I had about the body and it's functions. I always take a bottle
of half water, half gatorade. In paramedic school, they teach you that the
combination of the two is good for people who have muscle cramps from
dehydration and heat exhaustion. The water is for the dehydration and the
gatorade replaces the electrolytes. I also try to eat a banana or something
else for potassium, which has always helped me for leg cramps (I always
used to get charlie horses in my calves until I started getting regular
doses of potassium). This seemed to work for me...especially the drink
combination. If it's used for people with heat exhaustion..then I'm sure it
does wonders for those of us over doing it at the gym. Good luck :)
— Kelly C.
March 12, 2003
Hi there, I too have the same problem, and I do what you do the high
protien before going, I think it may be a lack of carbs, the other day
after working out I darn near passed out in the parking lot walking out to
the car. Even though It's wasn't dehydration (I always drink water) and
lots of it while working out.... so that's not it.... Maybe if we get in a
high carb drink, or a high carb low calorie, low fat snack in before we
work out, it'll be better. Let me know what happens k.
Post op 9 months down 125 pounds.
— tannedtigress
March 12, 2003
When you are working out alot, carbs are okay, and actually should be eaten
before. Ever heard of distance runners having pasta parties? Because they
need the fuel to burn when they are running. I have the same problems you
do when working out- I use the eliptical and the bike, as well as lift 5
times a week, so I'm doing alot. I would def. suggest adding some bread or
crackers or anything your stomach can handle, along with the protein,
before you work out. Also, the eliptical is pretty strenuous machine, so
doing 30 minutes on it is excellent! if you are just starting out, your
body may just need to get used to it. It burns twice as many calories, I'm
sure you have noticed, than the treadmill or bike b/c it uses your whole
body to work out. I've been eating carbs for a while now, not more than
protein ofcourse, but probably a little more than other people, and I am
8lbs. away from my goal weight. You just have to find what works for you!
Goodluck to you :)
— Lezlie Y.
March 12, 2003
Sounds to me like you are experiencing electrolyte imbalance. Are you
diabetic? If you aren't, it's not low blood sugar. I would recommend
eating a banana or some other food high in potassium and calcium. Your
muscles need calcium in order to function correctly, so if you aren't
getting enough, your muscles can start to get weak and you may feel weak.
— Brittany C.
March 12, 2003
I also do weight training and cardio. My trainer suggested, and my
dietician concurred that I should eat some carbs before working out, then
have a protein shake afterwards. I don't do weight training every day and
on the days I only do cardio, I only have protein. On my weight training
days, I've added a bowl of oatmeal in the morning before I work out. As
soon as I get home, I make and drink a protein shake. It seems to be
helping! Good luck - especially with the elliptical trainer, it still kicks
my b***!!
— JoAnn B.
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