Has anyone had TT, arms, legs and breasts done at same time?

I had a consult with two plastic surgeons in Nashville today. I was checking into four different procedures.......mid-body lift, breast lift, thigh lift and brachioplasty (arms) One of the Drs prefers to break the procedures into two parts, while the other Dr says it would be ok to do all at once, though it will be tough for a while? Anyone had more than one, or multiple procedures done at once? I should mention that the Dr who does it all at once has done many people this way and specializes in body contouring for people who have lost massive wt thru Gastric Bypass. This just sounds pretty overwhelming to me, though. I would appreciate any thoughts.    — Terri A. (posted on February 26, 2003)

February 26, 2003
My plastic surgeon also has great experience in contouring thos of us who have had massive weight loss. Ijust had a TT and complete lower body lift. I also plan to have my breasts, and possibly arms done. My surgeon would not do all in one procedure, and quite honestly, I feel like I would have been totally incapcitated for a while if I had. I had my TT and body lift and if I decide to have the arms done, I will combine them with the breasts. Another issue is that I had no complications, yet was still under anesthesia for 11 and a 1/2 hours. I couldn't have been under long enough to do two or three more surgeries. I think it is safer to have them done seperately, and the recovery will be easier on you. Good Luck!
   — PaulaM

February 26, 2003
Unless that surgeon has some help, I wouldn't recommend all procedures being done at once. It is a tremendous amount of suturing, blood loss and time on the table. I was going to have the lower body lift done at once and after twelve hours on the table doing the circle around my waist and the medial portion of my right leg, my surgeon had to quit and bring me back the following week to do the medial portion of my left leg. The suturing on my arms went from mid forearm to below my last rib because it was more than just my batwings that she removed. I had four surgeries and two surgeries to correct seromas that had developed over the course of nine months. I had to receive about 10 units of blood over the course of that and I am still recovering from the anemia of blood loss three months after my last surgery. Mind you, I would do it again in a minute, but I would be wary of having all that done at once. Spreading it our over only 9 months was enough. Most docs prefer to wait 2-3 months between procedures to give your body time to recover. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

February 26, 2003
I had the lower body lift and breast lift at one time, but this took 9 hours and I can't imagine having anything else done on top of that due to the time under anesthesia. My surgeon doesn't recommend the inner thigh lift w/ a TT as the incisions pull against each other and the results aren't as good.
   — mom2jtx3

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