PostOp Plastic Surgery for your Face?

My surgeon told me, during my first consultation, that when you lose weight, it often enuciates your wrinkles. Even though I'm just about 7 weeks post op, I have noticed that I have lost weight in my face and the wrinkles definitely have appeared where none were before. If this keeps up, I will look very wrinkly very shortly. Last year I had collagen injections in my nasofolds and above my lips. The PA who did it said he would recommend a "mini face lift" to avoid having collagen every few months. I didn't think about it then but if my current rate of wrinkling keeps up, I just might think about it. Has anyone had any kind of treatments or plastic surgery on their face postop? If plastic surgery, what kind and how soon after surgery? I don't know if I should wait to see how it all shakes out or start consulting with plastic surgeons now. I know you should wait until just about at goal to have TT or breast lift but what about facial treatments? Should that wait until later as well? Has anyone had a plastic surgeon that did a tummy tuck or breast lift also do any face/neck treatments?    — susanje (posted on February 22, 2003)

February 22, 2003
I just had to tell a little story about face wrinkles. I'm 9 mos. post-op -130 lbs. and I was at walmart the other day talking to my daughters Girls Scout Troup leader. She knows of my weight loss journey and we started talking about Plastic Surgery, I was telling her how Jiggly I was and how awful I looked (talking of my Body/ tummy but never really mentioning that those were the areas ) and how I was seeking a Plastic Surgeon to get some things worked on. Well......she comes out and say's "yes I have noticed the skin hanging on your face and around your mouth and I'm sure once you have your Facelift you'll lok fine"....I had never mentioned anything about having a face lift, I'm only 33 yrs. old. Needless to say I came home and spent the next 2 hours in the mirror crying, pulling and stretching my face and asking my hubby if I looked terrible.Sooooo, with this lil' story said, I will say that the first place I lost weight was in my face, and my hands, my wedding rings fell off within the first 4 mos. So I think that you could do a face lift before you reach goal, but you would want to be close, I imagine. And I have heard of Breast Lift with Face lift. Juat had to share my story since It had just happend and I was still mad about it! Good Luck in your journey!
   — Tambi B.

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