Has anyone with Von Willebrands clotting factor disorder had WLS?

Where there any specvial procedures you had to follow when you are missing factor 8? Thanks    — Jennifer M. (posted on February 21, 2003)

February 21, 2003
I hate posting and no one answers, so I am going to say a little bit. Von Willebrands runs in my family. I can't get anyone to seriously test me for this. Even my hematologists. They sit tight on the fact that my bleeding time is good. I mentioned this to everyone a hundred times before surgery and no one seemed to care. I had very bad nose bleeds as a kid, and heavy, I mean heavy periods. My hemaglobin was under 7 for years. Anyway, I don't know if anything specific will be done for you. Of course, they will need to know this, if you need units during surgery, as this will need altering, but of course you know this as you have been formally diagnosed. Probably, extra care during and right after surgery will be in line. I wish you the best in finding your answers and in your surgery legacy!
   — sheron H.

February 21, 2003
Having had patients w/ Von Willebrands postoperatively, they RARELY present a bleeding problem--I can only remeber 3 in 25 years. The problem was easily managed with transfusion and they were on their way. Two of the three did not even know they had the deficiency until post-op--when yes, they did seem to bleed more. So see, they were able to reach adulthood, with all those prior bumps and bruises and it warrant no cause for concern. For the most, it is an informative note to your medical history, and MAY cause a problem--but not an expected problem. Surgery being surgery (I've not seen a WLS w/ the diagnosis), it will still have all the inherent risks of bleeding being WLS or appendectomy. The type surgery has no bearing on this deficiency. Hope this helps and GOOD LUCK!!!
   — Wannabe A.

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