Do you leave the clear cover and bandege on when the bandege start to turn green?

I've been out of the hospital almost a week I've got one day to go to be a whole week. Two of my clear cover and bandeges came unstuck on one side. Then water got in it and it's turning the bandege green. I didn't know it tell it already had happened.    — Diana W. (posted on February 19, 2003)

February 19, 2003
I am assuming you had lap since you say two of your bandages. If you and I are talking about the same thing, those clear covers over your incisions are supposed to be removed by you 3-4 days after surgery. Under those clear covers are steristrips and those may or may not come off too when you remove the outer one. But your incisions need to air out and start to heal. You can get an infection if you leave the clear covers over your incisions, which it sounds like is happening. They don't hold your incisions closed, you have dissolvable stitches inside holding your incisions closed so the covers are not needed. Plus there is dried up blood under there that is smothering your incisions. So, I would say get them off NOW! If you are a little worried you really should call your doctor about it first though.
   — Dee ,.

February 19, 2003
My surgeon said that I could remove the steri-strips at seven to 10 days...I couldn't stand them any more by day seven...they had to go. Like the previous poster said they need to dry out some. If in doubt, or if it looks like the incision area is infected (red around it) then you really should contact your doctor.
   — eaamc

February 23, 2003 is never really a good sign. Like the other posters said, remove the clear bandage (probably a Tegaderm), and let the incisions dry up alittle. If you still have green drainage, odor, redness, let you MD know immediatly.
   — sweets1224

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