I am looking for anyone who has a connective tissue disease and WLS

My Dr. is concerned that I have ehlers danlos syndrome (a connective tissue disease that results in loose joints and possibly other internal complications ) and this may cause post op complications. He is posting on a message board for bariatric surgeons also.    — Carol G. (posted on February 11, 2003)

February 11, 2003
I have an autoimmune disease (lupus and sjogrens). They thought I had CTD at first. I had my WLS 18 months ago. I have been a slow looser but I am grateful for every pound that I've lost (about 60). I started at 210 or so. I'd like to loose a little more. I did flare with the surgery and felt awful for several months. I think I hoped that loosing weight would positively impact my disease; that is, make the symptoms abate and perhaps go away altogether. That didn't happen, but being lighter is definitely nicer for my arthritis. I wish you well.
   — Bobbi G.

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