Before I was pregnant,with help of diet pills,I was 211 & BMI was38.9.

Since 1995 I have been constantly on diet pills (medically supervised ,started with Phen/Fen,then to Phentermine.The only time I am not on diet pills is when I am pregnant. At the moment I am expecting my 3rd child (July 2003)with all my pregancy,I was considered a high risk,due to gestational diabetes & high blood pressure.In 98 my gallbladder had to be removed,I was only 28 at the time. I have a copy of all my diet visits & my overall BMI is 35 & it also shows my high blood pressure.Before I became pregnant this time I was 211 with the help of diet pills,but I have reached as high as 250,and I am 5'2" & 33 yrs old now. So with a BMI thats only averaging 35 & after the baby is born I will probably get around 211(will get bigger if I don't go back on diet pills or have surgery) or so,what are my chances of getting approved?I have not asked my OB/GYN yet,I believe he will approve me,but I'm not sure.Also does anyone know the long term effects on diet pills?Thanks 4 listening.    — Michelle A. (posted on January 28, 2003)

January 28, 2003
Hi. Most likely a weight loss surgeon would work with you. However, if you are asking whether insurance would cover you, that depends on your insurance policy, and the state in which you live. Most likely your policy will say that weight loss surgery is NOT covered. The key is whether it says that there is an exception in case of medical necessity. You need to find out (1)if it is allowed in case of medical necessity and (2) the definition of Medical necessity. If you live in VA, MD, or a very few other states, state law MAY define medical necessity.<br> Good luck!
   — Beth S.

January 28, 2003
Hey, my husband was just approved for surgery with a BMI of 38.5 and new criteria was set for members of our insurance plan who have a BMI between 35 and 40, as a result of his appeal! I think you have an good chance to be approved with your hypertension and (gestational) diabetes.
   — koogy

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