Weight watchers

Has anyone lost weight through WLS then finished up the weight loss through weight watchers? I got down to 178 and would like to lose more but after almost three years I think this is it for me. Has anyone went to weight watchers and lost additional weight and got to goal?    — Mary G. (posted on January 21, 2003)

January 21, 2003
Mary, I have a long distance friend who 3 weeks ago started weight watchers and joined curves. She's a post op RNY and has been on a plateau of the same weight for quite a long while, in fact her situation sounds like your own. Now, just 3 weeks later she's lost 14 pounds. She's not to goal but definitely has restarted her weight loss. I think you both can make it to your goals. Its just harder now. I wish you the best.
   — Shelly S.

January 21, 2003
I rejoined WW in mid-November to help me get the last 30-40lbs off. So far I have lost 10lbs. Right now I am struggling with the WW issue because, although it is helping to keep me motivated to drink water and exercise, I have found myself getting really freaked about food. It traumatizes me that even after WLS I have trouble keeping in my points range. Anyway, I don't know if I'm gonna stick with it or not. You can see my most recent profile posting for more info, if you're interested...
   — rebeccamayhew

January 21, 2003
Hi Mary: I think WW is a wonderful idea, if you think it would help you to get to your goal. One thing all of us must remember is not to be afraid to ask for help before things get out of hand. I commend you and admire you for wanting to get to your goal. I am sure that at your current weight you look wonderful, and can certainly fit into that small size. It is so hard to continue to lose when you know you look good. In fact, so many of my diets before WLS stopped when I was still 30-40 pounds overweight, because I felt so good and everyone told me how good I looked. I wish I would have been like you and continued to persevere to lose those last pounds. Congratulations on both your weight loss, and your determination. I know you will reach your goal with your positive attitude. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

January 22, 2003
Go for it! I meet with the surgeon to set a date this Friday and am definitely planning to go to WW just to hold me accountable and keep me on track. Good luck!!! diane
   — Diane S.

January 21, 2004
Mary, I have a story similar to yours. I lost 120 pounds with Lap-rny. I have about 30 more to loose but havent been able to drop any weight for several months. I decided to try WW online and started on monday and have already droped 6 pounds. I am starting back to curves tommorow. WW offers a free week trial for the online program. Good Luck and know your not alone.
   — Sandi B.

February 1, 2004
I just joined WW last thursday. I am 1 year 9 mos post op. I've lost 135 lbs. but have been "stuck" for the past 6 months. I want to lose at least 20-25 more. I am hoping this will help. And yes, as another poster said, it is scary that you can still have trouble staying in the points range as a post op. You CAN eat high fat, high carb foods that will put the weight on or at least stop you from losing. This is my way of being accountable to myself for what I eat. Another thing is after joining and quitting so many times in the past because I had so far to go, it would be a nice personal triumph for me to actually "get to goal weight" according to their charts. Sad, but true. Feel free to email me if you want to discuss further. Also, keep in mind you need to modify the WW system account for your protein and such.
   — sheltie

February 1, 2004
Funny, I thought this was a new ? and was gonna add my two cents, but I see that I already did below. Well, let me update you since I last posted that response. I did drop WW because I found it was putting me in that diet mentality (good/bad/omg, I've completely blown it!) and, for me, one of the biggest benefits of WLS has been being able to get away from that, and still lose weight. Anyway, I now weigh 145lbs and am wearing a size 6-8, so I did eventually meet my goal. I had gotten off track a bit over the holidays (got back up to 150lbs) but I have been paying attention over the past month, and managed to knock it back down, no problem. Tomorrow I start back to my regime of 3X a week water aerobics - no excuses! I'm not saying WW, Atkins, et al are dangerous for our posties, but I know that diets don't work for me anymore, and I now have the ability to control it, through my pouch and exercise. Try WW for a bit if you think it'll help knock off that last 30lbs., but be sure to combine it with exercise, cause that's what made a huge difference for me. Best of luck to you...
   — rebeccamayhew

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