Will I have to remove all jewelry before surgery?

I was wondering if I will be required to remove my wedding band for surgery? I finally got my engagement ring off but can't get my wedding band off of my fat finger. I have tried soap, oil, vaseline, baby oil, etc. I don't want to have to have it cut off. Will I be allowed to keep it on for surgery?    — Kimberly B. (posted on January 19, 2003)

January 19, 2003
I believe you will have to. This is a standard requirement for all surgeries. If they need to take you into x-ray then they need all jewelry off. They will probably cut it off but I'm not positive.
   — jovialkiki

January 19, 2003
Pretty good chance they will insist on it being removed. They will cut it off if necessary. I'd be trying ice water and then the soap etc. If that doesn't work then just get it cut off ahead of time.
   — zoedogcbr

January 19, 2003
If you soak your hand in ice water, any swelling will go down, then use some cooking oil and pull power and it should come off, If it is that tight you should really take it off surgery or not. Hope this helps.
   — cindy

January 19, 2003
I was prepared to take off my band in the holding area, however, the nurse told me I didn't have to that they would just put a piece of tape around it. I think if it's only a band it won't interfere too much. If you haven't had your pre-op blood work try asking the anesthesiologist if you get to meet with him/her. Best of luck to you. Robin
   — Robin V.

January 19, 2003
I would try taking it off at night, when your body's swelling has gone down, with the ice water and then the oil or dish soap. I've been told jewelry has to come off for surgery.
   — Leslie E.

January 19, 2003
I've had previous surguries - all metal objects must be removed plus dentures, glasses, watches, necklaces and rings. BUT if you can not remove a ring - they will put tape over them to prevent loss and any interference with their equipment. If you have anything valuable - credit cards, jewelry, money etc. - It has always been stated that you leave these things home or give them to a love one. Don't worry about your rings and good luck.
   — Sally P.

January 19, 2003
Some hospitals require you to remove all jewelry and some don't and will just put tape over rings and such but you need to remember this. In the hospital you will be given allot of fluids and its quite possible that you will swell up including your fingers. If your ring is tight now and gets tighter they will have to cut it off so you will get circulation. So if I were you, I would try and remove it now rather than risk it being cut off on you.
   — Debbie M.

January 19, 2003
I have A LOT of piercings (20 in my left ear, 8 in my right, both nipples are done, a belly button ring and my tongue ring) my Dr. and I came to a compromise. I took out my BB ring, my tongue ring, my nipple ring (although I held the holes open with plastic jewlery), and 15 ring in my left ear and 7 from my right. Then with the rest of the jewlery, he simply taped my ears down, that way the jewlery didn't interfer with anything.
   — Jessica D

January 19, 2003
There is actually a trick that can be done to remove a ring from a finger no matter how stick it is. Although I cannot remember the exact motions that you use, somebody will know what I am talking about. You take a length of yarn and slide it under the band and then wrap the upper portion of the yarn around the finger a few times just above the band, then use the bottom string to slide it up on top of the wrapped yarn. Then you unwrap the yarn and do it again until it comes off. Hope this helps!!!!
   — Sherry C.

January 20, 2003
No, I had to leave all my jewelry at home, including my wedding rings. They require that just in case you swell. If you don't take it off, they'll have to cut it off and I'm sure you don't want that.
   — dolphins94

January 21, 2003
I want to thank everyone for helping me with my question. I will try the ice water (hadn't thought of that) followed by oil or soap... and if that doesn't work I may find a jewelry store to cut it off for me. Thanks again!!!
   — Kimberly B.

January 21, 2003
.... I may also try the yarn trick... too. Cutting the band off will be my last resort.
   — Kimberly B.

January 21, 2003
Try spraying your finger with Windex....someone at a jewelry store suggested that to my mother and it worked.
   — Wendy C.

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