Does anyone know symptoms and treatment of stenosis ??

I am 4 weeks post op and having pain when I eat and take meds. I spoke with my surgeons nurse and she suspects stenosis and I will go in tomorrow to see the Dr. I was just wondering if anyone has had trouble with this and what was done to fix it?? It feels like I am having a gallbladder attack, but my gallbladder is 4 years gone now.    — cprzybysz (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 17, 2003
I did have a stenosis a few weeks after my revision surgery. I had a revision surgey to repair a complete staple line disruption and to transect .. For the first three weeks following this surgery, I wasnt able to eat and keep anything down. I finally had an EGD.. upper endoscopy.. with my local GI doc, and he found my stoma to be very stenosed.. or narrowed. He used a balloon and dilated this and I was almost immediately better for awhile.. I , however, had other things going on that caused me nausea / vomiting that werent diagnosed at this point. A simple stenosis is easily fixed through an EGD.. and you get a good afternoon/s nap from the sedating drugs they use... Best of luck to you. Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

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