What are Real Meals and where do you get them from?

   — dianna W. (posted on December 20, 2002)

December 20, 2002
They are protein shakes that have the required number of grams we need. On a personal note, I could not drink them because I did not like the taste. You can get them by clicking on the Real Meals banner on this site, or go to
   — Gloria P.

December 20, 2002
It's not I like them and they have worked great for me. I was emailing Linda Almonte and she sent me a whole list of recipes to use with it.
   — Marie I.

December 20, 2002
Real Meals is a protein powder, similar to protein powders you can get at GNC and from various online sources. (Real Meals is also a sponsor of this website.) Cheaper protein powders (including samples) are available at, among other websites. A good website to read for protein powder recipes, and advice from long-term post-ops who use a variety of protein powders, is .
   — Suzy C.

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