How Not To Gain Weight Through the Holidays? PreOp!

My preop consultation is scheduled January 3rd--4 days before surgery. My surgeon will cancel the surgery if I have gained more than 5 lbs from the last time he saw me. I am so paranoid about gaining weight. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but my weight can fluctuate like mad and trying to lose 5 lbs now could trigger a gain if I eat "normally" for Christmas or New Years (ie holiday meal plus dessert). My surgeon will NOT operate if I gain more than 5 lbs from when he saw me last. Any suggestions on how to lose a few lbs or stay steady?    — susanje (posted on December 19, 2002)

December 19, 2002
I am nearly in the same boat as you. My surgery wont be until Feb.but they want me to not gain anymore weight and that is really hard. They did give me an Atkins type diet. No carbs, no sugar and some of the people i n my group have really lost a lot in a few days on this. Not me tho. wouldn't ya know it lol
   — Delores S.

December 19, 2002
Hi Susan! My suggestion to you would to try to eat mostly protein, drink lots of water, and strictly limit your sweets. I dunno what you are having for your holiday meals, but try to fill up on meat and water, and try to limit potatoes and other carb filled things. I know it's hard, it still is for me too, but it's so worth it! Good luck to you :o) (8/7/02 -90)
   — fropunka

December 19, 2002
I hate to suggest that you miss out on all the holiday goodies, but it looks like you'll have to limit yourself this season. You don't want to chance your surgery. Just count your calories and don't over eat. It'll all be worth it this time next year. Happy Holidays and Congratulations on your upcoming surgery.
   — Sarah K.

December 19, 2002
I hate to say this as well, but excerise, water, and dont over eat or over indulge, and if you try to diet it will back fire, just remain calm, and dont over do it, and up your water and excerise intake.... Have a Merry Christmas and good Luck ~~ Hugs ~~
   — Michelle M.

December 19, 2002
My weight fluatuates between 5lbs so I understand that that can be tough. While I think it's unrealistic for your surgeon not to expect you to gain any weight over what will probably be your last free eating holiday, you have got to try to stay focused. I wouldn't really try to diet but I would try to watch the amount I eat. Also if you are able maybe you can fast the day before your doctor's appointment. Interestingly enough I fast alot for spiritual reasons and find that going without any food is much easier than limiting my intake. Is that sick or what?
   — CarmelCandy777

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