What to expect???

I am having my wls at BTC-Groveport on 1/15/03. I would like to know what to expect. Do I have to take any medications before surgery? What will I be doing for 4 days following surgery? What kind of med's will they give me? What kind of tests will they run? I've heard about the "leak test" what is that and will I have it etc etc... HELP!    — daytymer (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
Laury, we are having surgery on the same day! I am a nurse and although I haven't had this surgery yet I can kind of clue you in on what to expect. The doctor will tell you what kind of prep you need before surgery. After surgery you can expect it to hurt. There will be pain medicine ordered for you. Most commonly, they use a PCA pump which is a device which allows you to administer a dose of medication when you need it. There is a fool proof system in it that prevents you from using more than is safe. You will not want to move or cough because it will be uncomfortable. You must do both of these things. Moving gets your circulation going and helps to prevent blood clots. Coughing helps you to breath deeply which will help orevent pnuemonia. These are things that everyone is at risk for after surgery, not just wls patients. You can expect to feel tired as if they have taken out your energy center with your stomach :)! This is because any surgery is a major stress to your body and to heal requires a lot of your energy leaving you tired. Remember to take things easy. The test to check for leaks in your new pouch is an xray before which you drink a contrast material so that when your xray is reviewed the doc can determine if it is staying in your pouch or leaking out. Not everyone has to do this. Some physicians do it while you are in surgery. One thing to remember is that you can do anything as long as it is temporary. Pain after surgery falls into this category. Day by day you should begin feeling better and a little less sore. The pain will not last forever even if it seems that way. Try to take your pain meds before you get up and walk around. This will help you to move around better. I hope this has helped! I will be thinking of you on OUR big day!
   — Joy A.

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