Vomiting question

I have surgery scheduled in 29 days and getting as prepared as possible, both mentally & physically. From what I've been reading on this site, it seems like everyone vomits some, especially at first, some more than others. Throwing up is one thing I try to avoid at all costs because its horrible! Is vomiting with your new post-op tummies as bad as pre-op? I can't imagine doing that everyday.. ughhh!!    — thumpiez (posted on December 15, 2002)

December 15, 2002
Christie, I had the exact same thought before my surgery. I avoided it at all costs, too. I did not throw up the first couple of weeks while I was on liquids, but when I moved to soft foods, then I started throwing up. It finally became an art with me (lol) it happens fairly quickly and you feel so much better afterwards. Just blow your nose, wipe your chin and you are out the door! Maybe you will not ever experience it. You just never know! Good luck with your surgery.
   — Toni T.

December 15, 2002
Keep in mind vomiting after surgery is nothing like it was before. You are only bringing up 1 or 2 oz as to what was in the old tummy, that could be as much as 2 quarts..... It is not all of tht bad, really LOL, I loved the previous posters response, it is so true
   — j P.

December 15, 2002
Hi Cristie, I don't know, I may be one of the lucky ones but I have never thrown up the first time. My surgeon started me on clear liquids on day 4, then on day 5 he put me on soups which I stayed on for 2 weeks, then he put me on protein which I am still on. I do eat some carbs but mostly protein. Good Luck..Sharon..Open RNY 8/12/02 down 70 lbs
   — Sharon1964

December 15, 2002
I have never thrown up. I'm 18 mos post op and at goal. I hate throwing up and it was the one thing I dreaded the most. Hasn't happened and I'm hoping it doesn't ever. Good luck and God bless!
   — Kimberly L.

December 15, 2002
I have vomited a few times since surgery - ususally when I drink water too soon after eating. Like the previous poster said, it takes seconds, when it's over, you feel fine and you don't get the horrible acid taste in your mouth - just your well-chewed food! The worst time for me was when I tried to eat a hamburger on a Washington State Ferry. The bread got stuck and I had to run through the ship looking for the head - be prepared, some foods are prone to sticking.
   — JoAnn B.

December 15, 2002
First off good luck with your upcoming surgery!!! Keep in mind that EVERYONE is different. With that said, I threw up a wee bit in the hospital. I was feeling sick to my stomach from the morphine and the morning after surgery my roommate started throwing up shortly after she stood up. I am a weak person in the sense that I can't see or hear vomitting without doing the same. That hurt a little bit because my stomach was very sore from surgery, you know? Tomorrow is my 5 week anniversary and I have thrown up twice since I was discharged from the hospital. The reason why I got sick was because I had a family get together and it was so loud that I got a horrible migraine. I felt sick to my stomach from the headache. It lasted all through the night. The next morning I took my Prevacid (prescribed by my surgeon for the first 4 weeks post op) on an empty (really empty) stomach. Well, needless to say that I threw it up twice. Blah! But other than that I haven't felt the need to throw up at all! I think as long as you're careful what (and how much)you put in your new pouch you'll be fine! I'm very careful to stop eating as soon as I feel satisfied. Don't eat until your full but eat until you are satisfied because it takes your stomach a little while to catch up and if you eat until full you may soon realize that you unintentionally overate. Once again, good luck!
   — Tracy A.

December 15, 2002
Throwing up post op you don't have that horrible taste and acid.
   — Danmark

December 15, 2002
I am 5-1/2 months post-op and would guess I have thrown up on 4 occasions. Each one was my own fault for the most part...3 times due to not chewing well enough and the last time from overeating. I have said this before and I mean no disrespect to those who suffer frequent bouts of vomiting, but I did not have this surgery to become bulimic. I want to obey the rules, listen to my body, and not throw up unless I have the flu! When I have thrown up post-op it was because I HAD TO, to get relief from the pain in my chest and upper tummy. It certainly wasn't fun and I don't plan to do it again any time soon. Best of luck to you on your journey. - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -96lbs.
   — Anna L.

December 15, 2002
I agree with everything that's been said and would like to add this: I don't vomit everyday. But I do on occasion and it's NOTHING like vomiting before (which I rarely did). This vomiting is more like cleaning out the stomach--because you've made a mistake or misjudged the amount of food you've eaten. I've never vomited becuase I'd regretted what I've eaten (as in bulemia), but rather just because I made a mis-calculation in portion or the speed with which I ate. It's really not that bad, though--I have to admit--the first time catches you off guard and can be unpleasant...mine was. After that--I simply use it to relieve myself if I've made a mistake--which, thank the lord, is less and less often. I'm 2.5 mos. post-op and down around 40 or so lbs.
   — Karen K.

December 15, 2002
I am 12 weeks post-op and have only thrown up twice (eating too fast) and then several times on my own because I could not deal with the way the food was sitting in my pouch. Vomiting for me consisits of ONLY what I ate or drank. There is no bile mixed in, only the contents. I too dreaded the idea of vomiting after surgery especially since I have only really been sick (with vomiting) twice in the last 10 years and never had morning sickness with either of my children. I am sure everyone is different, but vomiting for me now is really not a big deal. Of course I would much rather the food stay down, but sometimes the food may disagree with you or it may be too large of a bite or as I stated before, you can eat too fast......Good luck to you!.....Karen (lap rny- 9/20/02 and down 83 pounds!!)
   — karmiausnic

December 15, 2002
I'm 10.5 months post op and I didn't puke until I tried raw carrots...which seem to do it to me every now and then still. Starting at about month 3 when I was adding all my solids back in I started puking all the time. If I ate too much, something too high in fat, or didn't chew...BLECH, and up it came. I even have several times when I ate something with sugar...I knew it would make me sick, but my fight with obesity is in my head. Counseling will have to fix that, not my wls. Good luck, this is the best thing I've ever done! ps- there's no acid in the pouch so it's just like spitting out plain chewed food
   — Paula Prichard

December 15, 2002
18 months post-op and I've never vomited at all. But, I stress like others, you have to be very cautious and not overeat or eat to fast. Every MO person is a pro a dieting, so just read the rules carefully and follow them. You'll be fine. I've found that certain foods make me queasy pretty quickly, those I just don't eat again. Like dairy, it started making me queasy about 2 months out and I just stopped consuming it. Now I try it once in a while and in very small quantities do fine. It's all about listening to you body and respecting it. Your pouch will guide you if you let it. Take your time and follow the rules and you'll be so happy you did.
   — Teri D.

December 16, 2002
Hi, I had surgery 8-7-02 (-88) and I have thrown up about 3-4 times. Everytime I have thrown up, it has been from untoasted bread or apples. STAY AWAY FROM IT!! :o) Good luck to you!
   — fropunka

December 16, 2002
I have only vomited once in 19 months and it was because I did something stupid. (Look at my profile if you want the gory details!) I have FELT like throwing up many times but, like you, would do just about anything to avoid it.
   — ctyst

December 17, 2002
Hi, I am 6 months post op now and I started vomiting a lot about 3 months post op. It turned out that my potassium level was very low and the vomiting was a side effect the doctors didn't pick up on
   — michaela

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