What is causing a matalic breath odor?

I am having a bout with bad breath. My husband says it's a matalic odor. Is it from ketosis, dehydration, too much protein??????????? I brush and floss all the time as well as clean my tongue. Please help. I don't want to be offensive to anyone. Also noticed increase of gas. Any connection?    — sandy W. (posted on December 14, 2002)

December 14, 2002
Are you on any new medicines? My Mom was on an ACE blocker or inhibitor a couple years ago (heart medicine) and she could'nt eat anything as her mouth would foam with a metalic taste. She finally had to get on a different medicine. As far as the gas... well for the first six months post op I would let sonic booms that rattled the house timbers. I have five cats. They would be sleeping and I'd let one rip. All five sleeply heads would pop up, cranking their heads around looking every which way for the source of the noice. Instead they'd notice the smell and look over at me as if to say "oh daddy the little box is that a way. Don't you think you should use it?" lol Sometimes I'd let them rip harder than I had to just to wake them up for those neat expressions that only cats can do. (Plus being a guy I love to let em rip anyway. I miss those days). Give it a few months and the gas will let up.
   — Danmark

December 14, 2002
<b><font face="comic sans ms"><font color=blue>It is probably from the ketosis...try a listerine strip that dissolves on your tongue...its just a temporary fix, but it seems to help me! Good luck! </b></font>
   — Linda 1.

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