After surgery can you take birth control pills?

I have noticed some questions about birth control. I would like to know if you are able to take birth control pills (like, ortho tri-cyclen) after surgery? and if so, do you still lose weight? I read some comments where the person did not lose weight because of their birth control method.    — Marion W. (posted on December 9, 2002)

December 9, 2002
I only had to stop taking my birth control pills while I was in the hospital after surgery(3 days). My doctor allowed me to resume taking them right away. According to both my surgeon and my OBGYN, this surgery does not reduce the effectiveness of the pill and does not hinder weight loss. This has held true for me - I am just shy of 7 months post op and I have lost 81 lbs.
   — Traci A.

December 11, 2002
I took the pill pre-op to regulate my periods. My doctor had my stop taking it the day before surgery. I started it back 2 weeks later, but found that it was no longer able to regulate my periods. My doctor figured that I'm not absorbing it like I used to and put me on the NuvaRing which is vaginally inserted and doesn't depend on intestinal absorbtion. So far, that's worked better. Since it is really important that we don't get pregnant for 18 months after surgery, I'd definitely back up whatever you do use with a condom!
   — ediecat

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