has anyone had problems with adheasions?

I am eight weeks post op and having pain in my upper left abdomen under breast. It really hurts when I walk or exercise, I went to my regular Dr and he didn't seem very worried said that it may be adheasions to give it some timeb but the more time I give it the more it hurts now it is hurting all the time.....advise??    — Diana W. (posted on November 26, 2002)

November 26, 2002
Diana, I had/have the EXACT same thing. Does it hurt also when you cough, sneeze, yawn, or take a deep breath?? Mine did/does. My doctor did 2 CAT scans on me and couldn't really find anything, so he said it was probably adhesions. He also said it could be muscular which also made sence because it bothered me a lot more when I did yard work or anything strenuous, that could also explain why you are hurting when you walk or exercise. Walking did the same to me too. I am 10 months out now and the problem isn't nearly as bad now. Has been a lot better since about month 7 or 8 but does bother me once in a while still. I also still hurt a little when taking the deep breath, yawning, coughing, etc. The nurse told me it could take a year for adhesions to heal. I was on pain meds for it and now only need them once in a while. You may want to ask your doc about giving you something. I take hydrocodin 500mg. My doctor wanted me to take tylenol but when I did it just didn't help so I insisted on something stronger. Talk to your doc about it and tell him you need something to help you because it is interferring with your life and no one should HAVE to live in pain. Let me know how things work out for you! Kim B. LAP RNY 1/9/02 -105 pounds with 15 to goal!
   — Kim B.

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