Why don't I feel a fullness sensation after drinking 8oz?

I am 14 days post op and I agree with Kelly, I don't feel any sensation of satisfied or fullness, or anything when I drink, or even when I have cheated and ate several bites of pizza the other night. I feel like I could just go right back to eating my huge amounts and I would feel nothing. Of course, I haven't, but I don't understand why I can handle so much liquid and not feel anything. I eat yougurt, I feel nothing, I eat cottage cheese, I feel nothing, I eat oatmeal, I feel nothing. And then, I am hungry again 2 hours later. I don't dump on anything, I don't feel like I even had the surgery. Except for a scar on my tummy, I would have never known I had open rny. Will this get better when I start doing more solid foods? Will I feel the fullness, so I know when to stop? Or am I a bottomless pitt doomed forever? Any insight sure would be appreciated. Debbi    — DarlinIYQ (posted on November 17, 2002)

November 17, 2002
I really haven't had that problem, I get full very quickly, and I can't eat over 5 grams of sugar and very little fatty or fried foods, otherwise I dump within the hour!!! and I am so glad of the ,I am almost 9 months post-op and at goal!!!:) remember liquids go through your system much faster then solid foods, once you get onto more solid foods , you will get full much quicker,(REMEMBER NOT TO DRINK 1/2 HOUR BEFORE MEALS AND NOT WITH YOUR MEALS AND NOT FOR AN HOUR AFTERWARDS!!!) as for getting hungry within 2 hours of eating keep in mind , you belly is only about the size of an egg and used to being full most of the time, now it emptys out much quicker,so that is normal!!! HAPPY LOSING!!!!
   — bikerchic

November 17, 2002
In some obese people the pituitary gland is "damaged" or rather, it's not functioning properly. The pituitary gland is what triggers the knowledge of fullness and hunger. In many obese persons we eat beyond satiety because we never "hear" from our stomach that we are full. This may be your problem. It can take months for this to correct itself. Wish I had a better answer for you, but you could talk to your doc and see if he/she thinks your pituitary gland or Hypothalamus is out of whack. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 17, 2002
I had open RNY 10/29/02. I've eaten cream soups, mashed potato, baccon, chicken, apple, egg, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, refried beans, onion with no problems, just chew and eat slowly. Look at this very easy to follow RNY diet plan that has been used by over 4,000 patients Chew well and don't eat to fast, turn the TV off and concentrate on your eating, its easy to eat to much or eat it to fast if your distracted. Good Luck :0)
   — Bev B.

November 17, 2002
Debbi, I am almost 6 weeks post-op. I stayed in the hospital a total of 9 days, so I was almost where you're at now when I came home. At first, my stomach was numb--I couldn't tell anything about what was going on down there! Now, I can definitely tell when I'm full!! I've eaten just about everything except for citrus fruits, pork and bread. I eat 4-5 small meals a day, since I can't eat very much at once and I do get hungry. Hang in there--I think you will eventually begin to feel full, once your new tummy starts working more efficiently!
   — Want2bslim

November 17, 2002
Hi Debbi: I thought for sure that the surgery was not working for the first few weeks that I was on clear liquids, and the next two weeks when I was on mushy food. I know exactly how you feel. Believe me, when you progress to chicken, fish and harder cheese, you will get full so quickly. I was extremely alarmed in the beginning. I thought I would be able to eat the same amount. Let me know how you make out when you are eating solid type foods. If you want to email me privately, please feel free. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

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