Can you get your hair permed before open RNY for instance 1 week?

I will have an open RNY 12/09/02 and I have read all about hair loss and so forth afterward. I do not want to add to the hair loss I might experience, so I wanted to get my hair permed before my surgery. Any thoughts?    — Mary M. (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
Hair loss occurs 3 months after surgery. Although perms are damaging to your hair I would go ahead and get one. If your like me your perm will be done by then.
   — Dana S.

November 14, 2002
Go for it!!
   — Debbie W.

November 15, 2002
I got my perm exactly one week before my surgery and I continuosly go to the hairdresser to have her do the upkeep on my hair. I am an African-American woman who has very thick hair that sheds constantly. I am only 5 1/2 weeks post-op and I have lost 41 pounds, but the hairloss is not visible yet. Get your perm and just keep your hair conditioned. Good luck to you.
   — Angela B.

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