I've been having Chest Pain @ night only hurts for about 10-20 min

I'm 18 months post-op my PCP Dr. said it was acid refux. I don't have any other symptoms. Pain is excrusiating. Any answers would be wonderful. Thanks, Cindi    — stinkynelson1 (posted on October 31, 2002)

October 31, 2002

   — Sue A.

October 31, 2002
I am 11 months post op and have these pains every so often. I have found that GAS-X relieves it in about 5 mins. First time it happened I thought I was dying! Try some Gas-X next time and see if that helps.
   — Kim B.

October 31, 2002
I would call your WL Surgeon.Better get this investigated. If your not transected it could be a staple line disruption.
   — bob-haller

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