Would you please write if you have had post op complications.

Hi, Monika again and I want to thank those of you who answered my question yesterday regarding dealing with an abdominal drainage tube and bag. I got some wonderful help in dealing with the actual bag but I was wondering if I could hear from people with similiar (or not) post op complications. I had surgery in July; everything was terrific; text book; then out of now where I got severe abdominal pain; vomiting; followed by a week in the hospital and I now have this drainage tube which as been in for 13 days and will be draining at least another week. Supposedly this is an unusual complication this far out from the original surgery date. I am trying hard to stay positive. anyone go through anything like this? Is everything great now? How long before I can expect to be back on track? thank you so much. Monika    — Monika W. (posted on October 23, 2002)

October 23, 2002
I've had my fill of complications. Its all in my profile. I hope that all is done in the complication department for me. Good luck to you.
   — RebeccaP

October 23, 2002
So sorry to hear about your problems. I've definitely had my share. It's all in my profile. Good luck and God bless!
   — Christine L.

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