Has anyone had problems getting in fluids and solids?

I went to the Emergency room last night.....NOT FUN...I was having a Wretched pain to the left of my belly button and couldn't figure out what it was. When I took a Demerol and it didn't go away, I knew something was wrong. I got to the ER (at Andrews)and they did Blood work , xrays and urine sample. They said I have a urinary track infection and they said it is because I am not drinking enough. They said I was dehydrated because they gave me two liters of saline and I finally urinated a dark dark yellow color. UGH! I am so FRUSTRATED. If I get in my fluids then I can't get in my food. And if I get in my food then I can't get in my fluids...has anyone else had this problem???? They also said it seems my bowels are not quite functioning the way they should and said this sometimes happens after the surgery and I had to get a stool softner. I don't know if I feel comfortable with all their diagnoses though, because they knew so little about this surgery that I was enlightening them about what medicines were appropriate to give after this procedure...Well, I am off to bed to get some much needed rest. Hugs to you all, Angie    — Angela B. (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 21, 2002
I have the exact same problem with foods or fluids. I am 3 weeks out open rny. I have not gotten dehydrated, but am eating very little, and not getting in protein. Thanks for asking the question Angela. Lets hope we both get some good answers from some WLS veterans.
   — Lesa H.

October 21, 2002
Try getting more of your "foods" thru fluid (protein drinks, soups, etc.) . Also I found that by freezing water and drinking it as it melts, it goes down better. Finally, my surgeon recommended drinking up to within 15 minutes of my meal and then waiting only 30 to 45 minutes after a meal before I can begin sipping again. I do this, and don't find it makes me hungry quicker at all. Good luck and definitely call you surgeon for HIS advice on this!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 22, 2002
Angie, In the begining this part is REALLY hard. You just need ot keep doing the best you can. Keep water with you all of the time. Focus on the water/ fluids, do not worry as much about the food right now. Add in food slowly. Your stomach is not going ot tolerate the food well anyway. But fluids are a must. It does get much better. Good luck to you.
   — Vicki L.

October 22, 2002
Hi Angie! I want to tell you that you are not alone. I am 3 weeks out of LAP RNY and I am having the WORST time getting all of my fluids/food in. I barely even get 25 oz. of fluid in a day. Yesterday was my first day back to work and I was sick all day, so I started back on soups and I am going to try to get my protein drinks in. I don't think I am dehydrated, but sometimes it is just very difficult to get everything in. I am hoping it gets easier in the coming months!!
   — Heather H.

October 22, 2002
Angela, I am about 6 weeks out and I had the same problem with fluids that you had. I was so dehydrated at about 3 weeks out that my lips were bleading and I developed kidney stones. The other posters have some good suggestions about food/liquid combinations. You must find a way to get that liquid in. The one other thing that really helped me was that I bought a snowcone machine and some sugar free flavors. For some reason the water was easier to get down that way. The good news is that I can now drink water and other liquids with no problem and can get my 64 oz. It will get better.
   — Amber L.

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