Medical question, esp. for a nurse...

okay, i know it sounds weird, but i noticed when i check my blood sugar that the skin on my fingers doesn't bounce back down right away... it just kind of stays there, then slowly goes back into it shape. i have super dry skin, to the point where it breaks open and it looks like i have a dozen paper cuts on my fingers, and they heal very slowly (a couple of weeks or so). also, i have had a headache every day for about two months now. i have stopped caffeine and it didn't make a difference. Doc (PCP) does not seem concerned, but combined with hypoglycemia lately (typically in the 50's every night- and i used to be hyperglycemic). i wonder what is going on. i feel like a nut job going in to the clinic all the time. lastly, i have had a sometimes sharp, most mostly dull pain in my left side (i had a hernia repair there about 2 months ago). has anyone else had this combination of things, or is a nurse who could help? thanks a lot! -shelli (post-op 6 months, -82 pounds, #182)    — kultgirl (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 21, 2002
you sound like you are dehydrated. Get in more fluids. Make sure you drink ALL of the time. What your skin is doing is called "tenting". It is a test for dehydration. The headache can also be caused by dehydration. So that may help too. As far as the left side thing goes, I have no idea. You may want to give your surgeon a call if your PCP will not pay any attention to the pain.
   — Vicki L.

October 21, 2002
The skin not bouncing back sounds like dehydration, please get your fluids in, at least 64 oz. a day. If you stopped caffeine abruptly, the headache may be from caffiene withdrawal. Try something with caffiene and see if it doesn't help. Then you can slowly wean yourself off the caffiene. Also, if you are having lows you need your meds adjusted, cut back or stopped maybe. Test before and after each meal and bedtime to pinpoint when your lows are occurring. Also are your lows associated with exercise? Lows can be very dangerous. Call your doctor.
   — Dana S.

October 22, 2002
Nurses cant diagnose you, we can only guide you from personal experiencesand what we have seen.I agree that dehydration is what is sounds like but we cant see you or examine you.The most important thing you can do is call your doctor immediately. That is what they are there for for and PAID for. Dont put anything about your health at risk anymore you have came this far! Georgina/NC
   — Georgina F.

October 22, 2002
You really should see your PCP. It is true that nurses can't diagnose you, but we can give you advice. Lay your hand flat on the table (palm down) and pinch the skin on the back of your hand. When you let go, does it stay up or immediately flatten back down. If it stays up, then this is a sign of dehydration. Again, see your PCP.
   — Lynette B.

October 22, 2002
Actually, let me re-phrase's not really giving advice, but letting you know some of the signs of dehydration. Does your lips and gums feel dry or tight? Is your urine a nice clear yellow, or a darker, more concentrated amber color? These are also signs of dehydration and should be checked out by a doc.
   — Lynette B.

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