Why is it that the foods you are supposed to eat are the hardest ones to eat?

I am 3 months out and have lost 71 lbs. I feel good about that but I am having a diificult time eating proteins. I cheat and try to eat something like chips and cheese dip because crunchier goes down better. Will it ever get easier to eat lean meats and salads again?    — Cindy F. (posted on October 18, 2002)

October 18, 2002
I have no trouble with meats as long as they are moist. You might try dipping your meat in a little steak sauce or barbecue sauce. It really does help. I can't eat chicken at all unless it has a sauce or gravy. Beef and pork are much easier. I don't want to sound preachy, but you really need to stay away from chips and crackers. If you have problems with meat, try refried beans, corned beef hash, peanut butter, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, oo dried beans cooked - these are all high protein foods - chips and cheese sauce are empty calories and you aren't getting any nutrition from them. Open RNY 11/29/01 -150+ pounds
   — Patty_Butler

October 18, 2002
The answer is yes, it does get easier. When it does, depends on the individual. By 5 weeks I was tolerating salads well, by 3 months, most meats, if moist went down fine. Even today, though at 8 months post0op if the meat is too dense and dry, it doesn't sit well. As the previous poster said, there are lots of protein items available to you that are not meat. Try any type of seafood-loaded with protein and easy to go down. Early on, I had to ensure meats, like chicken were very moist-crock pot cooking really worked.
   — Cindy R.

October 18, 2002
I like to buy the Rotiseri Chicken that they cook at some grocery stores, because it is so soft and moist and tastes great. Try taking really tiny bites and see if it goes down better. I cannot eat steak or pork at all yet. I just can't chew it up good enough for it to go down. Good Luck! (open RNY 7/23/02 -72 lbs.) PS- A few chips and dip will not hurt you, if you have any at all, I suggest corn chips and bean dip...because there is a fraction of nutrition in them compared to some others. Just limit yourself to 4 or 5 and then QUIT!
   — Shawnie S.

October 19, 2002
Just an FYI, but I found that boiling meat (chicken or beef)with a bit of tenderizer in the water helped to make it very tender so that I could get it down. For dinner tonight, I made a stew. Pre-boiled the meat with Adolf's and then drained most of the water and made a stew using that meat. Was wonderfully tender!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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