Having dailiy headachs, what does it mean?

For the last week I have been having daily headachs. I am doing my drinking daily so I don't think it's from dehydration. Any suggestions? It seems to be concentrating at my temples and top of head. No apparent problem with sinus. I am 4 mo. out , 75 # down and feeling great except for headach. Thanks in advance.    — sandy W. (posted on October 15, 2002)

October 15, 2002
Hi Sandy, 2 things I can think of to tell you to try is #1 is have your blood pressure checked. A headache can be a symptom of high BP. Also I notice that when I don't eat very much and my blood sugar droppes some, I get a head ache. You are right to keep your hydration up. See if my suggestions help at all. I hope you feel better soon.
   — Gina D.

October 15, 2002
I don't know about your particular situation, but one such headache that I got was because I switched my vitamins and was not getting any supplemental iron. I figured it out when eating a hamburger relieved my headache. HUH? I did some deductive reasoning and found that I was low on iron. Switching back to my regular multivit plus a couple days of extra iron and I was good as new. This may not apply to you specifically, but it might be good to look at what changed in the week or so BEFORE you had the headache. If it is supplement-related, it may take that long to feel the effects.
   — ctyst

October 15, 2002
Are you gettin enough Water....dehydration often leads to headaches! Good Luck!
   — heathercross

October 15, 2002
I rarly have headaches, but I had them for MONTHS after wls. No fun, but it seems many of us had to suffer through them. My guess is that they'll eventually go away. I think mine lasted about 6 months.
   — Danmark

October 15, 2002
hello. i was having headaches around the same time frame as you - turned out mine was due to lack of estrogen. your fat cells process estrogen and as you lose weight your body doesn't produce as much natural estrogen. i am taking hormone replacement since i had a hysterectomy and i had to change mine. i think the other suggestions about blood sugar, iron, dehydration are good ones too. you may want to have all your levels checked with your pcp. good luck, kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

October 16, 2002
I've been waking up with headaches since my RNY on 4/5/02. Once I took a hot shower, they would usually go away, but would always come back around 3am. Just the other day I noticed that I wasn't waking up with headaches anymore. Funny how it just stopped, and I never even noticed it. I have no idea why I was having headaches. Good luck!
   — Christine L.

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