What should I expect when I see the Gastroenterologist the first time?

I like to know what to expect and I can't find anything stating what might they do on my first visit. I do know the Barium Swallow is possible but have heard that it would be scheduled for another day. Can anyone help? (*much appreciated*)    — roryleigh (posted on October 14, 2002)

October 15, 2002
Rory, i did the barrium swallow on my visit the first time. They did not reschedule any of it. I did mine at Winnona Hosp. in Indy and they are a bariatric hospital so what i did was pretty standard. In fact i did all of my pre-op testing in one afternoon and was done. Hope this helps. The first answer is the most excellent one though. Just call :-) God Bless you as you go. Darlene N.
   — darlene N.

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