I need help!! I am 2 1/2 months out from open RNY and I have lost 70 pounds, which

people can tell in my face and shoulders but my stomach pooches out like I'm 9 months pregnant and it never pooched out like this before, it just hung down almost to my knees. The doctor did repair a hernia while he did my RNY. Why would I pooch out so far after surgery and why am I doing this in my stomach instead of loosing weight in my stomach? Anyone please respond who has any ideas or answers. I appreciate it.    — Judy W. (posted on October 10, 2002)

October 9, 2002
I lost from the face>down. You could tell in my shoulders and chest, and I didn't feel like I was losing anything anywhere else. I did my measurements and I WAS losing many inches in my waist, but for some reason it didn't feel that way. Do your measurements. And it eventually evens out in the end:~)
   — Cheri M.

October 10, 2002
I know for me, and probably for many other people, weight is noticeably lost from top to bottom. So your face and shoulders are looking better, but your stomach is having trouble. My stomach is my biggest problem area at 4 months post-op. I cannot explain why your tummy may be doing that, but I can say it will eventually go down! It takes time, which can stink when you just want it to go away. But my sides (love handles) are losing weight faster than my stomach, which could be making me look pregnant, too! If you're concerned when you go out, get a bodyshaper. I wear them aalll the time, it makes my stomach MUCH better. they sell them in catalogs or Lane Bryant and Avenue stores. <p>If you are concerned about the hernia repair, I would call your doctor. Maybe you are still swollen in your stomach area?... But you will eventually lose weight in your tummy, I never thought I would, but i did. Measure yourself, you will see over time! Goodluck!! :)
   — Lezlie Y.

October 10, 2002
hi there! i was 5 9 370 and am apple, carried alot of excess weight in my mid section. i started losing first in the face then shoulders and so on. and i wondered when the tummy would start going down. now at 150 lbs or more lost im glad to say its very very much gone down and isnt as bad as i thought it was ganna be as far as the excess probably feel yout tummy seems bigger because the upper part of you is getting conciderably smaller first. it will catch up and it will be great! best of luck to you!
   — carrie M.

October 10, 2002
I am 4 months post op and have a similar problem. My surgeon's staff says that the last place to loose the weight is in you stomach. That to me is a very unfortunate. However I do go to the gym and to light ab work outs. This is not the all in all solution but it has helped lift the upper part of my stomach. I still have an apron and will have to get a TT to rid of it. Women have this problem the most because it is very hard to target this area just right. Especially having children can stretch you abs and cause weak abominable muscles. They can repair that as well in a TT. Even the most fit women I've seen still have a pooch and, yes, they complain! I wish I were in their shoes,LOL. For me I'd rather work on it a little more and hopefully I may only have the extra skin and fat removed and they won't have to tweak with the muscle. Being that you are only 2 1/2 months post just getting into an exercise program and slowly work out would be the best, that's if your not doing that now. Don't do anything directly with your abs until your surgeon says your safe to do so. Exercise itself works the abs minimally. You've done very well on you weight loss, better then me. I'm down 54 lbs. in 4 months. Hang in there your body will start to loose in that area!
   — Adele S.

October 10, 2002
I had surgery 4/15/02 and have lost a total of 92lbs. I went from a 32-34W to a now size 26. I have been in these since late July, even though I have lost alot since then. Why, cause everythings else is getting smaller, I can even see my collar bone(a first!!) but my stomach is still big. Even my shirts which were also a 32W are now down to a 20, but the pants look funny on me cause they look loose except for in the stomach. The legs are loose, and the waist is slowly getting there, I can actually fit in some stretch pants size 24, but I won't wear them out of the house, if ya know what I mean. We will all even out someday. When I gained, it was the chest first, then face then arms,legs then stomach,,,,losing seems to be doing the same thing.
   — stacey1273

October 11, 2002
Hi hon, all I can offer you, is you have lost so much weight so fast, and if you had a problem like I did with the huge apron, it just really showed up after I lost the weight. I had the tummy tuck June 20,2002 and took care of that. God Bless, Susie
   — lostitall

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