I saw a recent post about someone not taking vitamins or suppliments...
and I cannot find the darn thing! She said she ate nutritionally and her labs were fine. I just wanted to look into that further so any help would be appreciated. — crishsapig (posted on October 9, 2002)
October 9, 2002
Hello.....My surgeon does not want us taking vitamins or calcium
supplements for the first 4 - 6 weeks because he feels there is a strong
correlation between stomach ulcerations and perforations and early
vitamin/calcium/potassium usage. However, at 5 weeks post op, I started
taking Pre-natal vitamins and calcium supplements as well as a B12 shot.
Some people ingest enough dietarily so they do not require B12 or
vitamins...but if you decide vitamins are not for you, you need to make
sure you are being followed up as far as lab work goes. They made the
mistake several years ago of not following up on vitamin supplementation
and the patients paid the price for it with their health. Good luck!! Hugs,
Kathie (in Hawaii)...............
— KathieInHawaii
October 10, 2002
It is posible to get to a point that you don't take vit and supple but part
of reason for chewable vit is because you just don't obsorb all from the
food because it stays in your system so little time. Even your Vitamin so
be one in morning, one in pm. Our nutritionist's goal is food first then
supplements once you get past the first 2 months. If you want to eat
nutrionally buy a good natural foods book, Jane Brodie is good as are many
others. It tells the best way to combine foods to eat the best. A good
vegetarian book is also good. I use
b12 dots several times a week on a regular basis and try to eat fairly
— Elizabeth K.
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