Why if I had my JP drain pulled one week ago am I still draining clear serous (yellow

drainage I am at times changing it every 3-4 hours. Today I had a C-Tscan with contrast and the scan was negative. The drainage does not change with color like if I eat green jello the drainage is still the same. How long will this last? I am so disappointed.    — train (posted on October 4, 2002)

October 4, 2002
I've seen many times where drains become "clogged". Once the drain is removed the area will then begin to drain. You're actually lucky that its draining. Much better than just building up inside you to the point of either creating its own opening in your incision site in which to drain or having to have the fluid tapped by your doc. Both not nice.
   — Shelly S.

October 4, 2002
remember that those drains go deep. IT takes a little while for the "hole" to heal. As long as the drainage is not infected, you will probably be fine.
   — Vicki L.

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