Im 6 weeks post op going on road trip

Hey I'm going on a 23 hour road trip Oct 1'st. I need travel fodo ideas. And ideas onw hat to eat when going out ( plenty of people will want to take us out ) I'm way nervous. PLEASE give me good ideas. :) Thanks    — Esther W. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
Hi Esther! If they're safe for you, I'd pack my purse with unsalted peanuts; protein bars; & maybe a couple of those pre-packaged crackers & cheese combos (individually sized). If there's a cooler in the car, you're really in business. With that, pack a little bit of turkey pepperoni, individually-sized packages of turkey or chicken lunchmeat that you can roll up and eat as a snack, and maybe some string cheese.<P>For eating out: If it's fast food, try Wendy's chili. It's low-cal and people swear by it even if they're otherwise not cleared for red meat yet. If it's a restaurant, maybe a fruit 'n cheese platter (get a doggie bag & snack on it on the road too, if it lasts); maybe a club or turkey sandwich (I take the bread off and just cut up and eat the meat and other fillings); maybe a tofu burger (just eat the burger if you're still not doing bread at six weeks out); maybe some soup, if it's a hearty one with some protein in it. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

September 13, 2002
At 6 weeks postop I was very limited: individual 1/2 cup containers of cottage cheese, broth, canned soup, toddler baby food (stews in flip top lid containers). No way could I tolerate meat, other than canned tuna. ALSO - it's important that you get up and move around every hour or two and not sit in one position in the car for hours on end in the same position (blood clots). I traveled about 5 hours when I was 6 weeks postop and had no problems. Good luck.
   — Marti R.

September 13, 2002
At 8 weeks out I took a 14 hour road trip, I was driving myself. I took a cooler, but hard boiled eggs, string cheese and some peanuts in it, and tons of bottled water. I worked so well for me. I made sure I stopped every 2 hours just to get out and walk around. I greased the skids with my family before I arrived that I was on a very strick diet and would not be eating much, of course they still were all over me about not eating much, but I have not told them of my surgery, and was not going to tell them. When we out to eat, I ordered soup or mashed potato's. This worked very well for me. Have a great trip, this will be a true test for you, but you will get through it fine. Hugs
   — Jeri P.

September 15, 2002
I went on an emergency trip 4 days post op (family death) and we were facing a hurricane in our city same week. I was looking for things that I could have that didn't need refrigeration. 3 years ago, the requirements were different and I was on soft food before I left the hospital. I did get a 6 pack of slim fast just because I needed to have something on hand if the power went out. They now have ensure for diabetics so this is good. V8 juice was on my list so I packed some of it in the cooler. I got small containers of cottage cheese, yougert, when we stopped, I ordered soup or mashed potatoes, baked potatoes. I did fine. Hope this helps. I did peanut butter crackers, In an emergency, buy a bean burrito from taco bell, and eat the beans and cheese only if you can't eat the burito shell.
   — Elizabeth K.

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