Has anyone one had the tummy tuck surgery.

I've lost 100 lbs and I'm having awful back pains. I believe its caused by carrying all this extra skin around. Does anyone know if health insurance will cover the procedure.    — Debra G. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
i work for a plastic surgeon and insurance will sometimes pay for a panniculectomy if it is a covered benefit and the excess skin is causing problems (ie:skin rash)start with your ins company to see if it is a benefit. jen

September 13, 2002
Yes, medical insurances will pay if it is deemed "medically necessary" You should qualify with severe back pains from the hanging pannis, plus photos speaks volumes. I just got approved for a belt lift, which not only gets the pannis, but the hip area. Also they are paying for a breast lift and typically this is considered cosmetic. Your sagging skin can cause rashes, back pain etc and all of this qualifies for medical necessity. GOOD LUCK!
   — ZZ S.

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