Being diabetic. Can experenced diabetic answer and give advice?

My husband had been diagnosed having diabetis type 2. He has been placed on a pill and a blood testing kit will be comming soon. I am not sure what foods he should advoid and which food he should eat alot of. They have given me a pyromid food chart and said to follow it. But the chart shows to eat 9 servings of grains a day.(That is breads, rice, cereal, pasta. ) I thought these food turn into sugars????? Veg group is 4 servings, Fruit group is 3, Dairy group is 2-3 and Meat and bean group is 6 oz. He is only about 15-20 # overweight, but think that is due to his heart meds.(fluids) I just am confused about his diet and what this all means to be diabetic. Any experienced diabetic that can explain to me the do's and don't of his problem will be helpful. Thank you in advance.    — sandy W. (posted on September 12, 2002)

September 12, 2002
Your best bet is ask your husband doctor to refer you both to Diabetic education which include understanding the disease, medication and nutrition. There is a new school of thought that does not follow the pyramid anymore. Easy carbohydrate does turn into sugar and elevate blood sugar fast and down quickly too. Do eat protein, vegetables, fruits only small amount like half of an apple at a time, no snacking between meals, meals should be eaten at regular interval at the same time each day. Blood sugar needs to be between 80-120 before breakfast and 100-150 before lunch and dinner. The yo yo value will cost you to feel sluggish. Good luck
   — mimie V.

September 12, 2002
My hubby is a type 2 diabetic. He gets in trouble with pasta, breads, pizza is a no-no, snack foods and beef. All of those raise his blood sugar. I'm not sure why beef does it, but the rest are carbohydrates and carbs turn to sugar more slowly, so it's harder to get rid of. Fruit juices are also a no-no because of the natural fruit sugars. Other than that he does pretty well. I've even gotten him into fish and his blood sugar numbers stay the best when he eats fish. He avoid foods that have refined sugars in them. He loves chinese food and can eat it pretty well as long as he avoids rice and the dishes that have a sugar based sauce. He usually orders kung pao chicken.
   — Cathy S.

September 12, 2002
Hi I am a type 2 diabetic and so is my DH, ok First you guys need to attend diabetes education classes, when I attended classes It helped me to understand the diet allot better and the hospital that I went to diabetes education encouraged the spouse to attend also. sounds like the doctor has made the diet too complicated, the national diabetes association doesn't use that diet, nor do they use the exchange system anymore, what they use is the carb, and fat system, which is easier to follow, understand. Starches do turn into sugar in the system, my DH gets a high blood sugar from bacon which we learned in class anything high fat will keep the blood sugar up, then you need to meet with a nutritionist to set up a proper diet, if you want info go to the national diabetic associations website which they are there to help you, also some good books to get is diabetes cookbooks which help. but the best book I have seen out there is titled THE DIABETES CARBOHYDRATE AND CALORIE COUNTER, it even list restaurant foods etc. it is an adjustment for all in your house but after awhile, you don't even think about it. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO GET HIS SUGAR UNDER CONTROL TO AVOID DIABETES RELATED COMPLICATIONS WHICH CAN DEVELOP LATER IN LIFE.
   — Grace H.

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