Two questions on craving sugar.........

First question: Is there a mineral we can take to cut the sugar craving? Second question: Does Splenda trigger the sugar cravings, as it is sugar-based and do you think Equal is a better choice? I'm 10 months post op and I'm wanting sugar. That's bad, I know. I want to nip this in the bud but need to know how. Thanks!    — Annie H. (posted on September 11, 2002)

September 10, 2002
Upon reading Dr Atkins book and MUCH research, I found that L- Glutamine will help sugar cravings. I took 4 tablets daily.
   — Lisa R.

September 10, 2002
I do not know if this is the right answer, being a sugar junkie myself, I always have a carton of Cool Whip Free at hand, I just take a spoon or two when I am in my major craving mode and it helps, I also make s/f chocolate pudding and top with cool whip. It seems to help me get over the urge to put sugar in my mouth. I have never heard of a mineral to help, I bet there is something out there Congrats at having 10 months behind you.
   — Jeri P.

September 10, 2002
I've heard that any of the sugar substitutes can cause cravings. It just depends on the person. Everyone responds differently, so I would try them and see what works (or doesn't work) for you.
   — mom2jtx3

September 10, 2002
   — Danmark

September 10, 2002
My keyboard is acting weird. It posted before I finished. Yes, Splenda is what I like and I was eating tons of it. Then my sugar cravings got so bad that I almost don't use it anymore. The only exception being that I like it in diet pop and use it in ALL baking. Other than than, I've gone back to two heaping teaspoons of sugar in my coffe. (I don't drink anywhere near the amount of coffee I did before WLS). I've also got to where I'll eat some regular candy once in awhile too. The sugar free things seem to send me into an eating binge AND sugar craving anyway. So why not eat "alittle" (not alot) of the real thing. Thereby save some money and not have any possible health problems that "some" of the sweeteners may cause.
   — Danmark

September 11, 2002
Just my 2 cnets worth, I was never a sugar fiend, however, taking my chocolate Viativ 3 times a day is all the choc/sugar I need. I look forward to the treat.
   — heathercross

September 11, 2002
Hi Annie... I am 5 months post op and began craving sugar about a month ago about the same time I went into another plateau. Suggestions given to me were: avoid as much sugar as possible even the subtle sugar such as in milk; I might have to reset my dumpometer by laying off ALL sugar and carbs for about 2 wks or more; up my protein, up my water. I also try to immediately do some sort of physical activity. When I do this, it works. I also find that when I crave sugar if I drink a lot of water and have a pretzel, the salt seems to balance out the need for sugar. I am 5 months and down 71# pounds and feeling super. My best to you.
   — AJC750

September 11, 2002
The quickest way to cut off sugar cravings is whey protein (made with water). The more sugar you get, the more you want. Check out hidden sugar sources, milk, yogurt, applesauce (even NSA), benign things you give kids without a thought. The ber you're thinking of is stevia. Stevia is a leaf and the supplement is a pill, compressed stevia leaves. I take 2 per day.
   — vitalady

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