Is this all there are in this list of Co-morbidities?

I just found this. It said this is the complete list of co-morbidities. Does anyone have anymore to add to this list?<p><b><ul><li>Heart Disease<li>High Blood Pressure<li>High Blood Cholesterol<li>Diabetes Mellitus<li>Sleep Apnea Syndrome<li>Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome<li>Respiratory Insufficiency<li>Heartburn - Reflux Disease and Reflux Nocturnal Aspiration<li>Asthma and Bronchitis<li>Gallbladder Disease<li>Stress Urinary Incontinence<li>Degenerative Disease of Lumbo-Sacral Spine<li>Degenerative Arthritis of Weight-Bearing Joints<li>Venous Stasis Disease<li>Emotional/Psychological Disease<li>Body size problems which prevent or severely interfere with employment, family functions (i.e. caring for children), walking, etc.</li></ul>    — thumpiez (posted on September 10, 2002)

September 10, 2002
Christie, I don't know if this is an official co-morbidity, but I suffered tremendously up until about 3 months post-op when it sort just disappeared. I had Fibromyalgia. The constant flu like body ache was terrible and caused me to lose time at work frequently. I was seeing a Rhumatologist for it. Their recommendation was to lose weight since there are really no other treatments available and it can become diabiling. I have had no problems since I lost the first 45 lbs. I'm now down 135 lbs and at 117-120, I feel great. I also had high BP, incontinence and arthritis. I no longer take any medication for any of this. Yahoo! Good luck and I hope you get a quick approval. Go to my profile to see the diet and medical history I sent to my insurance company...Aetna HMO. I was approved first time in less than 2 weeks.
   — Teri D.

September 11, 2002
I would add Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. There is also a foot problem involving bone spurs in the feet, I'm not sure what it is called.
   — Amber L.

September 7, 2003
Plantar Faciitis (Bone spurs in the heels)
   — Barbara D.

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