Could this be brusitis or lack of vitamins/nutrients?

Has anyone experenced shoulder joint pain 3 months out from surgery? I think it might be like brusitis. I can't hardly lift my arm and pick up anything. Or do you think it's from not getting enough calcium, protein or vitamins? I have noticed that I am not sleeping very good at night. Also when I try sleeping on my sides, my bones (knees, shoulders, hip ) feels sharp or boney. Try using pillow between knees. Is this just one of the affects of losing weight? If it is something like brusitis what meds can we take with our new pouch? Any advice is welcomed. Thank you in advance. Open rny June,5,02 down 70#    — sandy W. (posted on September 8, 2002)

September 8, 2002
Sandy, I've been having some shoulder joint pain recently too (I am about 7 1/2 weeks post-op). I'm getting enough protein and vitamins (my surgeon & nutritionist only recommend calcium supplements for women). I'd be interested in whatever you find out, Sandy...
   — John Rushton

September 8, 2002
Hi Sandy, I am just over 3 months out of surgery and having the same problem with my shoulder. But with mine,sometimes it hurts clear down my arm and I have a lot of trouble picking up things or putting things up on shelves etc. I saw my Dr. and he had exrays done but they showed nothing. I have no idea what is causing this but I sure hope it is only temporary. I will be watching to see if any one has any ideas about what might be causing this. {{{HUGS}}}
   — Carolyn L.

September 8, 2002
I don't know if this helps, but I had something similar before surgery and it was a pinched nerve. A physical therapist can show you a simple exercise that relieves the pain quickly. I'll try to describe it if I can. Shrug your shoulders up under your ears. Now pull them backwards behind your neck or back (as high as you can hold them) and pull them together tightly. While holding them in this position *together tightly* pull your shoulders downward till they stop. Hold it there for the count of 15 and relax. Repeat this at least five times and rest. Repeat if necessary.
   — Darlene P.

September 8, 2002
OR a rib out, something a chiro can set right. Water is your first line of defense while you set appts. (with your reg doc, etc) I have had immobilizing pain--for no reason that i can see, and the chiro can make it back off in 5 minutes. I don't have chiro coverage on my ins, but it's worth it to be put right. Just another option
   — vitalady

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