I had a proxmial RNY done July 15th. I heard that proxmial patients can expect

to only lose 100 pounds. I have 200 pounds to lose. Can I hear from proximal RNY patients and how much YOU lost? Thanks!!    — Judy W. (posted on September 6, 2002)

September 6, 2002
Like you, I had about 200 lbs. to lose. My doctor wanted to give me a distal RNY, but I talked him into the proximal, because I was very concerned about malnutrition, osteoporosis, etc. I am now 17 months post-op, and I have lost 191 lbs. so far. I would like to take off another 15-25 lbs., but I'm VERY happy with where I am now and would do this again in a heartbeat. Good luck.
   — Terissa R.

September 6, 2002
I had proximal on July 01' and have lost a total of 106. I now weigh 138 and am 17 pounds from my personal goal. Everyone is different, but If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much. I am sure the weight will come off and you will be very pleased. Good luck
   — Dawn H.

September 6, 2002
Open RNY 11-12-01 -135 lbs now weigh 118 lbs :)As a "Lightweight" my surgeon really didn't think I'd lose the 100 lbs I don't think, but I had lost 100 lbs by the end of my 4 th month :) I am nearing my 10 month anniversary and have lost a total of 135 lbs and holding. I am about 20 lbs under my goal weight and I feel wonderful :) NO ONE CAN SAY HOW MUCH YOU WILL LOOSE, it all depends on the individual. I wish you all the luck on your WLS journey :)
   — Lynda T.

September 6, 2002
7.5 month post-op proximal here who has lost 157 pounds so far. =)
   — Nichole B.

September 6, 2002
I had a proximal RNY 3 years ago. At the time I weighed 268lbs at 5'1". I am now at 175 with my lowest weight since surgery being 168lbs. Not everyone is a good loser even with this surgery. Perhaps age and a long history of yo-yo diets has a big impact on outcome. I am glad for the weight I have lost but am disappointed not to have lost more.
   — Lois S.

September 6, 2002
I had proximal open rny on 4/26/02. And so far my loss has been 82 lbs and my goal is too lose 200 too. I think the loss is just a little bit slower but still totally do-able. I had assumed my doc did distal. And then I started to worry about supplements and all, I figured I better find out which he definitely did. When he told me proximal I was actually a little relieved. I'm still very obsessed about my vitamins but I'm not so panicked or stressed like I was when I thought my absorption was less. My doc says he very very rarely does distal because of the malabsorption. Good Luck!
   — LisaTaz

September 7, 2002
Little more than 10 months out. Have lost 150 lbs. Have lost some every single week so far. Feels great. Have 22 lbs more to go.
   — Lisa Marie D.

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