Just found out I've developed an gastric ulcer has anyone found this too?

I'm 46 days post-op and have had a really bad time. I had open gastric bypass on July 1, 2002. To this day I can't eat and drinking is limited too sips of water, ice and popscicles. The other day I had a scope done and they found a large gastric ulcer. This was my second scope down in 2 weeks. the first one they had to open the tube from the stomach to the intestines. Also, during my surgery, my surgeon fixed 7 hernias and I've developed a large mass about the size of a grapefruit on the lower part of my abdomen. Had a CT Scan done today to try and find out what it is because I'm developing a slight fever and the area is sore and getting red and warm to touch. Has anyone ever had this much problems. I feel this will never end. I'm weak and feel miserable. My surgeon don't have a clue what he's suppose to do and just keeps sending me home with phenagrin and oxycodone and says it'll get better. I finally contacted a gastroentreologist who found the ulcer and trying to help find out what the mass is. I don't have a support group except all of you. And could use the advice. I don't even know what type of tests I should be having done because my surgeon didn't seem to know. Not to mention I've already been to the hospital now twice since my surgery. Once for an infection and stayed 3 days on IV's and another for dehydrating. Which I'm probably gonna have to go back in again soon. Well I best hush now. Please feel free to email at [email protected]. thanks    — Michele W. (posted on August 15, 2002)

August 15, 2002
If you email me privately, perhaps I can hold your hand. I often refer to myself as the Ulcer Queen.
   — vitalady

August 15, 2002
I think it was very wise for you to see a gastroenterologist and strongly recommend that you continue to see providers other than the surgeon. It has been my own personal experience that it is better to go to the "other experts" than to deal with someone who focuses only gastric bypass surgery. I was very sick with non-stop vomitting for two weeks and my surgeon did not have clue. It was only when I went to someone else did they diagnose I had gallstones. Go figure!
   — CMiller17

August 15, 2002
Hi Michele, I'm so sorry you are having so many complications. I have had 2 ulcers so far and I'm almost 1 yr. post op. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and sometimes my pouch doesn't like the medication I have to take. I take Prilosec for my stomach every day to help protect my stomach. When I feel that nawing in my stomach starting up I start taking Liquid Carafate also, you can get the perscription from your Dr. I will keep you in my prayers. (((HUGS)))
   — Kathy H.

August 15, 2002
Sorry to hear of all the problems your facing. I've also heard to ask your PCP or a specialist about post-op problems. My concern is the thing on your abdomen. I think anything that is bulging and retaining heat needs to be checked out immediately. Sometimes after a major surgery, as I'm sure you already know, blood clots are a factor. Also anytime there is an infection in your body, the risk of such things increases. My mother had this experience. I hope you see a Doctor soon, and I'm sure this will all get straightened around. My prayers are with you and all of us will always be here for you. Keep us posted. It will get better.
   — Brooke H.

August 16, 2002
Michele, I don't have any practical advice. I just want to lend my support for you. No need for you to hush or anything, lots of people go through same thing or something like it, it seems, so you are NOT alone. I hope that you will be better real soon and if you need to 'vent' you can email me at [email protected].
   — jenlaur1

August 16, 2002
I have a large ulcer all over my stoma, just diagnosed this morning while I was geting dilated. Yes, I've had some awful complications and they do make me feel pretty down at times. I would still do it all over again though.
   — NicoleG

August 16, 2002
I too had an ulcer and it was found 2 months out. Before the medication I was absolutely MISERABLE. I was lucky that my doc knew something had to be going on and sent me to a gastroenterologist. he put me on Aciphex and it was like a life saver. before it I could not drink any water or eat, I was sick all the time, dizzy, motion sickness was soooo bad, I was just plain SICK. I was scared because I thought something really bad had to of happened. Well now I feel great. The medication helped tremendously. And the pill for the aciphex is so tiny I can swallow it without water easily. Of course I always recommend taking pills with some water!
   — smedley200

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