Lenght of time for a RNY surgery?

I am having a RNY and GALLBLADDER removal on Monday (8/12/02)and I am panicking at this point. Would like to know more or less how long will I be in the operating room. Any information will be greatly appreciated.    — tanya G. (posted on August 11, 2002)

August 10, 2002
Every Doctor is different, I have a friend that had the same OPEN RNY as me and her surgery was 45 mins. Mine was 2 hours. However, I will have to say, that I have had 0 problems and she has had several infections and her incision has had opening for the last 4 months......Not sure if one has anything to do with the other.....
   — Sharon H.

August 11, 2002
I had my Open RNY, gallbladder removal, and liver biopsy all on July 26th and it took 1hr and 15min. to complete. After 15 days, I am doing great. Still have pains in tailbone and left shoulder but everything went very well and still is. Good luck to you. I could imagine what you are going through one day before surgery. Well, good luck and God Bless. One more day til you are a loser like me.
   — Lawrence R.

August 11, 2002
Mine took about 2 1/2 hours. It was an open surgery and I did not have my gall bladder removed since it was already gone! My doctor wouldn't start the surgery until I had about 3 hours of heparin into me (Blood thinner), so my 7:00 am operation didn't really start until closer to noon. Good Luck!
   — Leanne L.

August 11, 2002
Tanya, I had lap rny, and it took 4 1/2 hours. The doc kinda inflated my stomach with gas and had to deflate it, stitch it, and start over. I have an unusually high stomach. Most take between 1.5 to 3.5 hours I think. It just depends on so many factors and the individual. It's good that it isn't "one size fits all". Good Luck
   — Tina B.

August 11, 2002
For my lap RNY, I was in there for 4 hours. But what difference does it make? Your sound asleep-one minute you are saying good bye to the surgeon in the operating room as he fades from sight, and the next minute you are waking up in the recovery room. Don't panic-once your asleep, thats the easy part!! Good luck. You'll be fine. Take a deep breath-in and out-good..
   — Cindy R.

August 11, 2002
I had the Open RNY and it was around 4-4.5 hours.
   — Danmark

August 11, 2002
My lap RNY took 5 hours (no gallbladder removal). My doctor said that I had several adhesions on my left side and it took him some time to work around them. Good Luck!!!!
   — amd0721

August 11, 2002
I had open RNY on June 20, and the grand total was 18 minutes! (no gallbladder removal). I have had absolutely no problems, and am down 40#...I am amazed when I read some of the surgeries took 4-5 hours! Good luck tomorrow!
   — MaryBeth R.

August 11, 2002
The answer is COMPLETELY dependent upon your surgeon and his/her expertise, as well as whether your surgery is OPEN vs. LAP. As an example, my surgeon's average operation times for OPEN RNY is 60 minutes whereas it is 90 minutes for LAP RNY. But keep in mind that he has performed THOUSANDS of each type of surgery... your best bet in truly knowing is to ask when you wake up ;)
   — nolongerobese

August 11, 2002
Experience and expertise of the surgeon are the key factors in the length of routine/uncomplicated surgeries. Four of our family have had lap RNY (no gallbladder removal) and our surgeries lasted from 50 minutes to 1 hour/10 minutes. However, our bariatric surgeon specializes in laparascopic WLS. This is a question for your surgeon. He should immediately be able to tell you how long a typical, uncomplicated RNY with gallbladder runs for him. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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