I know the window is supposed to be open for 18 months to 2 years.....
but I want to know if anyone has lost any significant weight after their first year post op? I have read all through the library and looked at a million profiles. It seems that most people made it to goal or very close at a year out. I am year out and still have 30 pounds to lose. It's still coming off slowly, but I just want to know my chances of making it to goal this far out. Thanks for any input. — Cory F. (posted on July 27, 2002)
July 26, 2002
Cory: I am almost 19 months post-op and still losing!!! I was about 195
at 12 months out ('ideal' weight being about 169-160 range supposedly - I'm
5'10"). My surgeon thought I looked great and commented that, since I
had been on a plateau for a few weeks, it could very well be that I
wouldn't be losing any more weight and that my body was 'fine' there.
Well, I'm now 167! Never thought I'd see that day! That's almost 30 lbs
LESS than what I weighed at 12 months post-op. I'm just eating as I always
did (focusing on protein, eating nutritious foods, sometimes having a sweet
but not making it a regular habit). I'm walking as much as possible (I
used to walk more when I was home with the kids but do so less now that I'm
working 8-6 pm). I can't believe I'm STILL losing weight! I'm now TOTALLY
100 pct at my 'ideal range'. I can't remember when I was this weight - I
always thought the 170's were pretty normal for me but I'm getting solidly
into the 160's! :) All the best, (lap ds with gallbladder removal,
January 25, 2001, preop: 307 lbs/bmi 45 now: 167 lbs, bmi 24)
— Teresa N.
July 27, 2002
Hi, Cory. I have a friend, Pam Robinson who lost all her weight then
gained a bit. Five years later she got more serious about getting that
last 30 pounds off and she was able to get it started agian with no
— Pam G.
July 28, 2002
Dear Cory:
Please dont get discouraged! I can understand your frustration though. I
wanted to remind you - and I am sure that you may have heard this before -
that your body is working differently now and does not want to shed the
last extra weight. I have heard this called a plateau. If you quit
eating, your body will go into a negative metabolic state, so eat normally
and keep moving! Congratulations on your success and keep up the good
— Kelly B.
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