HELP my ekg was abnormal possible iscemia

Has anyone had iscemia and had to go have a stress test done. I am only 23 and this diagnosis means that there is plaque forming somewhere. I am very worried please help. My sx is august 5, 2002. Why does this have to happen to me I am so close!!!!!!!    — Melissa E. (posted on July 24, 2002)

July 24, 2002
Melissa, I have never dealt with this directly, but it is a good thing that you found it out early. I know that you are very upset. Ischemia is, however, highly treatable, and should be a very good indication that you need to have the obesity surgery. It will be the doctor's call whether or not he will go ahead with the surgery at this time though. You are so young, but things like this don't discriminate. Good Luck! Our prayers are with you.
   — Tina B.

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