when will bowels begin to harden?

At 6-7 weeks post-op I am still having liquid bowel movements. I eat my 2 oz of meat 3 times a day. Getting in 32 oz of water. I do not feel hungry at all. My BM'S are all liquid with some particials. And I have gained 4 pounds when I went to be weighed. How can all this be happening? When will things start thickening up? Thanks    — sandy W. (posted on July 24, 2002)

July 24, 2002
I am almost 5 months post-op and my bowel movements are always soft, I know it's not all from what I eat, but it doesn't really bother me, would rather have it soft then really hard anyway, sorry kind of gross huh...
   — bikerchic

July 24, 2002
I can relate at 3 weeks post-op to having mostly liquid b.m.'s (I'm just glad I'm going, wasn't the first 10 days or so). However, I think you really need to increase your water intake. My surgeon wants us drinking 64 oz per day. That of course includes other fluids like milk, sugar free popsicles, herbal teas (no caffeine) and 4 to 8 oz. of fruit juice, in addition to water...for the 64 oz. total. Good luck - Anna
   — Anna L.

July 24, 2002
I, too, had liquid stools, when I mentioned it to my DOC he did a test for c. difficle bacteria. I DID have c. diff. and took Flagyl to get rid of it. At 5 months post op my stools are once daily and soft.
   — Connie M.

July 24, 2002
Mine didn't firm up until my 8th week when I started taking my vitamins, Vista Vitamins. I believe the reason is that the vitamins contain lactobacillus sporogenes (acidophilus). Remember that many people's systems are cleaned out with the bowel prep pre-surgery so the amount of the good critters (flora) is minimal, allowing the not-so-good critters to survive. The lactobacillus helps balance the system. You can find lactobacillus (pills or liquid) in most health food stores. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

July 24, 2002
32 oz water is WAY not enough. If you are that loose (& frequent?), 64 oz is barely enough. Are you drinking milk? 80% of adults are lactose intolerant, and of "us", the % is even higher. Try going a few days without milk products (this doesn't inlude cheese or sour cream or cream cheese or cottage cheese for life, just for this test) for 2-3 days. Then drink a glass of milk and see what happens. If it is the MILK, you can gradually add back in the non-lactose foods and see if htey are problems or not.
   — vitalady

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