I'm not understanding some of the verbage used in describing some surgeries.

This website has been a life saver for me, no more seach engines, trying to learn more about WLS. BUT, I was reading about the ypes of surgery and I don't understand what some things mean. What's the difference between laparoscopic RNY proximal; open RNY proximal; and open RNY distal. I know the difference between laparoscopic and open and I know what RNY means...But what is distal and proximal. I'm still in the learning stage and have started a new job so I don't even have Insurance ..Yet, but when it comes through I want to know as much as possible when I go to see my PCP.    — Donia M. (posted on July 23, 2002)

July 23, 2002
One of the best sources for info on the different types of surgeries is the ASBS site. It is If you click on the link that says "the story of weight loss surgery" it gives details, diagrams, and possible complications for each type of surgery.<p>Simply put, proximal means less intestine bypassed and distal means more intestine bypassed. Proximal is for those who need to lose less weight and distal is for those who need to lose more. Proximal bypasses cause fewer malnutrition/deficiency problems because malabsorption is minimized. Hope that helps!
   — ctyst

July 24, 2002
Just wanted to thank you for the question and thank you for the answer. I had been wondering the same thing. I spend one and a half to two hours a night just reading the message and question board and don't get much time to research other parts of AMOS or other websites for the questions that float through my head. Good Question! and Good Answer! Thank You
   — kristy713

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