Did you replace everything with sugar free-fat free?

I am now 3wks post op and on soft foods. I am down 34 lbs. I am on a plateau though. My question is for those you have children or significant others/husbands/wives, Did you replace everything in the house with fat free-sugar free stuff. My husband told me I was crazy If I thought I was gonna replace everything. So sometimes I just cook with it in there. Any suggestions?    — Quiwana B. (posted on July 21, 2002)

July 21, 2002
I have my own box (yes a box) of my sugar-free items. I am starting to cook with sugar-free substitute (SugarLike) and have made cookies, brownies, even a no bake cheesecake, apple pie all sugar free and nobody even knows the difference (unless I say something). I don't really tell my husband's daughters because they also cannot tell the difference (they don't live with us only everyother weekend). Mu husband is actually starting to like the sugarfree stuff (not so sweet). I'm also using lots of soy (rather than milk) and also tofu products. I still buy things for my husband so he won't go through withdrawls (ice cream), but when he has his ice cream, I have mine (Tofutti Cuties -- mini ice cream sandwiches made with tofu -- wonderful, comes in chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry). They have 8 g sugar for the whole thing but since I maintain <4 g sugar, I cut it in half. I hope this helps. (60" distal RNY 08/28/01 -95 lbs gone forever!!)
   — trtorrey

July 21, 2002
I only buy SF stuff for me because it is expensive. I do share though if someone wants some of it. Also, as far as your plateau 3 weeks, it is normal. Your body is adjusting to not getting much food. It's holding on to what it has right now. Don't worry, the scale WILL start moving again.
   — Kim B.

July 21, 2002
We have mostly low fat /low sugar (less than 10 gram) items in the house that my husband and I eat from. I have no-sugar fudge cycles or sugar-free cookies & whatnot for when I want to snack. But I do not feed the same thing to the children because a developing brain can be harmed by artifical sweeteners - or so they say. It's not me taking a chance on - I cook healthy for the whole family and everyone gets to eat but for snacking - I buy things like GoGurts (the new yogurt) or things with low sugar for the rest of the gang - everyone seems happy & I'm able to continue to lose. The kids LOVE things made with fresh fruit and low fat whipped creme - it's just learning how to keep new things in the house that are good for works.
   — Lisa J.

July 21, 2002
I avoid Fat Free things, because they're higher in sugars (which fires up my appetite, and will fatten me up again), but I use only sugar free things here. I use SugarLike for my sugars (except in beverages, I use pink or blue "sugar", whatever) and I use a milk sub (everyone gets it in my cooking). That's all that changed. When we have family gatherings, everything is milk & sugar free. They don't even know. I see their raised eyebrows when I eat it, too, and they think I'm "cheating". I'm giggling inside cuz they're getting healthy stuff & don't even know it. When my teenage step-dtr lived with me, she did bring in sugared products & milk. But I strongly associate the sight of milk with being 262 lbs, so no temptation there, and the sugared candies & such she liked did not call my name. But again, my brain has now associated those kinds of things with that unable-to-breathe, unable-to-wipe-my-bottom, feet-hurt-to-much-to-walk feeling that I remember so well. Don't make a big deal of it and they'll never know you're slipping them healthy stuff.
   — vitalady

July 21, 2002
No, I did not replace everything. I do have SF ice cream in the house, but do not otherwise do the SF, Fat free route for anything else. Part of the reason I had this surgery was to learn to eat normal and not as if I am on a "diet" (SF & fat free). You first have to figure out if you dump on sugar-I don't seem to, so I eat mini-bite sized cookies for a snack. I limit the amount of sugar I have to small amounts, though, so that I don't trigger the blood sugars and start the sugar cravings. But i eat full fat cheese and other products, just in moderation. I'm 6 months post-op and down 70.
   — Cindy R.

July 22, 2002
hiya i don't use any f/f or s/f stuff cuz i don't like the taste of it and i figure that i can't eat too much anyway so i just don't worry about it! i do have sugar substitute in the house but i don't use it personally. i can't "do" milk (though i can process cheese ok!) so i keep a container of Vitamite for myself i had open rny on june 14, 2001, preop weight was 268lbs, my goal weight was 135lbs and i weigh 130lbs - so like i said, i don't worry about it! 8-) oh - and when i have gone on a plateau, i refocus on additional protein, less carbs and do make sure i'm not eating stuff with a lot of sugar in it. plateaus are totally normal - i suggest not weighing yourself too often, i usually weigh myself every 2 weeks. i don't own a scale. good luck!
   — jkb

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