Was it really worth it to get a TUMMY TUCK?

I am considering a TT and was wondering if it was really worth all the pain for the flat stomach. I would love it if some of you that have had this done would comment. I have heard some really negative comments and would really value YOUR opinion, positive or negative. Thanks in advance!!    — RODEO CLOWNS S. (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 17, 2002
The Tummy Tuck was a very easy surgery. I went home the next morning, was in the mall on day 3 and went back to work on day 4. It also made the most radical difference in my appearance. I was 189 and a size 16 on the day of surgery and 171 and a size 10 the next morning. It also jumpstarted my weight loss again and helped me to make goal. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I have a flat tummy for the first time in my life. Your Weight Loss Pal,
   — DeeDubbs

July 17, 2002
The first few days after my TT I said it was not worth it...must've been the drugs talking, because now I believe it was totally worth it. I have forgotten about the pain (kinda like childbirth) and am now a size 4/ was definitely worth it!!!! Now looking into possible boob job! Have a Sparkling Day! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

July 17, 2002
Always remember that every patient will have varying experiences with every surgery....including WLS. My personal experience was that my tummy tuck was the least painful surgery that I have ever pain worse than a bad paper cut :-) My panniculectomy and armlift surgery lasted a little over 5 hours. I was up walking the same afternoon, and although my surgeon scheduled an overnight hospitalization, I easily could have gone home the same day. Pre-op, he laughingly said that he would try to give me the tummy and arms of a 16 year old. Post-op, I assured him that I never had a tummy and arms this good when I WAS 16 years old. I couldn't be happier with my results....16.4 lbs. of excess fat and skin gone forever! I wish you the same great results!
   — Diana T.

July 18, 2002
I thought my Lap RNY was more painful than my TT. To me, the pain was a walk in the park. But I also kind of knew what to expect with 2 previous c-sections. The hardest though is having to wait at least 2 months to really notice the results (I have no patience). To really answer your question if it's worth it, I say: "YES, YES, YES!!!"
   — Gina L.

July 18, 2002
I dont want to scare you because everyone is different. I just had my TT on June 25th it has now been 3wks. and 2 days so I have not yet seen the end result but what I will tell you at this very moment is that this was way more painful than the Open Rny i'm still in pain from the TT and it's not that I have a low tolerance for pain because i've had 5 10lb. boys the first was a c-section the other four natural. Ask me this question again after I see the end result and then I'll tell you whether it was worth all this pain. 30lbs. in 4 hours wasn't bad at all!!!!!
   — Brigit B.

July 18, 2002
I had my tummy-tuck 1.5 weeks ago. It was far more painfull that my Lap D/S & my c-section. I would however, do it again in a hearbeat!!! For the first time in my life I have a flat tummy!! It's still a little swolen, but nothing like it was before!!
   — abran

July 18, 2002
For me the TT was a breeze but I also know that everyone's experience is different! I wouldn't hesitate for a second to do it again! It made all the difference in the world. Sometimes in the morning, before I get out of bed, my hand brushes across my stomach and I actually think "Oh my gosh - is that flat stomach actually mine???" It's wonderful! Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

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