has anyone been a smoker and gotten thru surgery without complications?

Will I still be okay if I'm not quit totally,I'm such a nervous wreck I don't know if I can totally give it up completly?I tried to work on walking more to help my breathing but that has been really hard on my feet and knees since I do hair and stand all day.    — Lisa W. (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 17, 2002
I tried to quit smoking before surgery but I couldn't. I smoked on the way to the hospital and I was fine. I didn't smoke after the surgery for a couple of weeks though.
   — Linda A.

July 17, 2002
I was a smoker pre-op....had one the morning of surgery...HOWEVER, I highly recommend if you can quit (I couldn't - so I understand) to do so!! Actually, the morning of surgery was the last cigarette I have had...I am now 13 months post-op & smokefree....after 5 days in the hospital, the smell made me sick after surgery....good luck!! Karan
   — chance2lv

July 18, 2002
I had surgery on June 14th - stopped smoking about 3 weeks prior BUT a couple days prior to surgery my nerves won out and I began smoking again - maybe 6 a day. Had a cigarette just before leaving for the hospital. Had no problems w/surgery but I certainly can understand the benefit of stopping prior to surgery. In addition, at night I constantly was blowing up a big balloon (breathing exercise). I was hoping to stop smoking after surgery but am back at it - mainly out of boredom!!!! Good luck to you.
   — Can9603

July 18, 2002
I smoked up until the day before surgery. I cut way back and only smoke ultra lights, but I still did. I was really nervous too. I was fine with surgery, although I have great lung capacity. I made sure I did alot of those breathing exercises while in the hospital. But, NO complications.
   — emilyfink

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