Tattooing over the Scar??

Has anyone had a tattoo done over their scar to cover it up? This is something that I thought about doing if my Scar is too ugly.    — Hotdiva (posted on July 15, 2002)

July 15, 2002
Isabella, unfortunately the idea of tattooing over the scar probably won't work. I have a large scar on my brest from a skin cancer surgery and I wanted to tattoo over it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find an artist who would do it. They all said that they don't tattoo over scars because you can't guarantee how it will come out. Sometimes the scar tissue picks up the color differently than other skin. Also, your scar will change for a long time, so it is hard to predict how the tattoo will look over time. What I did was get a bright tattoo on my other breast. I can't even look at the scar any more because my eyes are immedeatly drawn to the tattoo. Maybe you could get a tattoo near, but not over your scar to get this same effect. Good luck!
   — Amber L.

July 15, 2002
I don't have any personal experience but I did see a show on The Learning Channel about tattoos and a woman who had a mastectomy had tattooing over the scars and it looked great!
   — Vickie C.

July 16, 2002
I had considered a tattoo when I was pre-surgery also. I even talked to the artist who did my other tattoo about it. He will do it but can't gaurantee it will work. Now that I've had surgery and lost 140 lbs, to be honest, I wouldn't bother. For one thing, my stomach is so flabby right now that I wouldnt even show it to him to do that tattoo. I'll probably have plastic surgery to fix this problem, and then I'll have even more scars from that and my original scar will be much smaller. Just wait and see how you feel after you're done....everything changes so much.
   — Monica H.

July 16, 2002
If regular tattoos won't work you could always use a "fake" ones. There are some pretty nice ones out there!
   — Kim B.

July 17, 2002
I just asked a friend who is a tattoo artist. He said ideally you need to wait 6 six years for everything to heal. If you do it sooner the tattoo may not take and will fade easier.
   — Jules2713

July 21, 2002
*My tattoo artist said NO way. :0( I too thought it would be a GREAT way to inhance my scar.
   — Sassy M.

July 21, 2002
Hi, this topic came up several months back when I first joined AMOS. I have one tattoo (Tigger on my right calf). A reputable tattoo artist WILL NOT tattoo over scar tissue. When I hit my 100 pound mark of weight loss, I plan to have a beautiful butterfly tattooed on my shoulder. Symbolizing the new me emergizing from the cocoon. :)
   — Anna L.

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