The surgery just isnt working for me.

Is this possible? July 25 ill be 5 mths post op and im gaining weight. I dont know for sure, but i think i can tell. I guess everything is messed up. My feet are swelling ALOT. No im not eating right. I dont take vitamins and i dont drink the shakes. NOT THAT I DONT want to. I havent the money right now. I left my husband 2 mths ago and everything is just goin wrong now. I cant go see my doctor because i moved 2000 miles away. My isurance doesnt cover me here. I fell and dislocated my knee and tore the tendons in it. I cant walk with out a brace because i feel like my knee is dislocating again. Im sorry for this down post. Maybe i just needed to write it out and vent a little. Please give me some good ideas, HELP!    — Deanna B. (posted on July 5, 2002)

July 5, 2002
I think you have partially answered your own question. This surgery isn't working for you because you aren't doing what you're supposed to be doing. I'm sorry to hear about all your hardships, though, and hope you can find a way to work your life out soon. As far as the leg swelling goes, this might have to do with either dehydration or it might also be a result of the leg injury, if the swelling is in the same leg. However, I'm not a doctor, so these are only suggestions. I don't know if there are any community resources in your area, but surely there is SOME ONE or GROUP you can turn to for help with this. Are you attending a support group for WLS patients in your new community? If not, I would think that is a great place to start. I know members of my support group would be more than happy to "sponsor" your vitamins. Also, a lot of people try new protein shakes and don't like them, and are then stuck with a canister of powder they don't want. You could probably get some protein shakes this way. I don't do the shakes, though, so I don't think this should be as high a priority as the vitamins if you start eating better. You said you know you are not eating right. You have to work the surgery, darlin'. I think you already know this. You need to make better choices in the foods you are eating. I know during times of emotional turmoil we tend to revert to old eating patterns if we were emotional eaters in the you might want to take a good luck at the correlation between your emotions and your eating choices. None of us are perfect (FAR FROM IT!!) so cut yourself a little slack, too. It's not too late to get yourself back on track, but it's something you're going to have to do for yourself. No one can work your surgery for you. Get out there in your new hometown and find the resources that will help you reach your goals. You'd be surprised how many of your brothers/sisters in WLS are ready, willing and able to assist one of our own who might be struggling. Good luck to you. I hope you find your way to a better life than you ever imagined possible! ((((((HUGS!!))))))
   — Jenper

July 5, 2002
Jennifer P there is nothing I can add to your wise and caring posting other than urging anyone reading it to believe that there are so many people out there to help if we want to help ourselves.
   — faybay

July 5, 2002
More important than being a WLS patient you are a person. A person who has just moved, just seperated from her spouse, and just been injured, needs support. In any community there is free or very low cost mental health support. There are many places of worship. There are divorce support groups or people. Get the love, support and caring you need as a person first. When you are in a better place emotionally (which, with help, could be in a very short time)you will find that strong, smart, brave, woman inside that pursued WLS in the first place. Good luck to you.
   — Caddy W.

July 5, 2002
I'm sending a big hug your way... you've taken the first step toward turning things around by being willing to look at the things that are wrong in your life. That's brave. The other posters had good ideas, and I know our wonderful family will have many more to add before the day's out. I just wanted to point out that your feet swelling COULD be related to protein deficiency. If that is the case, then you need to get some protein in you, regardless if it's in the form of a shake or food. When a protein deficiency (hypoalbuminemia) gets to the point where it's causing fluid retention, then it's serious. Having said this, your swelling might POSSIBLY be unrelated to your low protein intake. Some other thoughts... are you SURE your insurance doesn't cover you where you are? Call them (if you haven't already) and explain your situation. If all else fails, present yourself to the nearest ER and tell them about your swollen feet... they should see you regardless of your situation, and may be able to connect you with a social worker that can help you get some temporary assistance. Good luck to you! JK, RN
   — Joya K.

July 5, 2002
I am sorry to hear about your problems. But dont let them stop you!!! I know the protein stuff and the vitamins are expensive, but if you can shop around at least try to find something close to the flintstones and take them. Water is free, so start on that! And as for protein and shakes, you can do it without them! Egg whites are a great source of protein, and eggs are is tuna...sometimes I cant get the shakes or stuff I would like to have because of the money involved, but maybe you could get some tuna and eggs and cheese and pnut butter...and actually all the fish are good protein, frozen in the grocery store, bake with some lemon or butter...milk also has 1 gram an ounce so some of that could help too, I get the skim stuff...I hope you can fight your way through all this and win! If there is anywhere you can swim that would be great exercise and easy on the knee...good luck to you!!
   — kittycat

July 5, 2002
Try skim milk powder , sardines and canned tuna for protein. Drink at least 64oz water and start walking slowly. All these things are cheap and will start on the right path. If you really can't afford basics you may be eligible for pulbic assistance like food stamps. Good luck
   — Robert L.

July 5, 2002
I'm so sorry to hear of your problems but... neglecting the basics now will cost you even more later. Try a generic vitamin, I have seen some not to expensive at walmart and it's better than nothing. The person who suggested eggs and peanut butter, good choices and not very expensive. There are exercise tapes for people in wheelchairs, I know richard simmons does one, check out your library. You can sit in a chair and clap your hands and do arm circles and raise your hands over your head and do window wash circles (I'm not sure what these are actually called, but you put your hands out and circle in front of your body, big cirles) it will at least get your heart rate up and you'd be surprised how aerobic that can be. As for the swelling feet, only a dr can really tell you what's going on. Does your community have any sort of free clinic or reduced medical care? Have you checked into medicaid or food stamps to help you through this time of need? Try churches too, I know several here do food banks etc, you could get some vegies or something. Good luck!
   — Becky K.

July 5, 2002
You don't have to buy expensive stuff to make the surgery work for you. Walmart (or your local pharmacy) has generic children's chewable vitamins for a couple of dollars a bottle. Some cheap sources of protein are eggs, milk, peanut butter, canned chicken/tuna, prepackaged lunch meats, cheese, etc. Canned soups are also pretty cheap - look for meat based soups with protein. Hope this helps some! We know you can do it!
   — sheltie

July 6, 2002
I'm sorry to hear about your situation...My prayers are with you..."I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. Surely, I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5 Find you a local support (what city did you move too) Keep your head up and you can get through this..."I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 Love & Prayers...Janie
   — TexFlutterby

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